Oils are for healing, waters for clearing. Angels their alchemical frequencies with humans are sharing. Continue reading →
Angelgods of the Uret-Perastu
It is designed and empowered to redirect ill-intent and other adversities of life away from the individual and into a force that targets the illusion instead. Continue reading →
Where Shall I Place My Trust?
Where shall I place my trust? In the days when alliances are bought and integrity is no more? Continue reading →
The Red Road Journey (The Out-Breath of God)
The four Angelgods of this powersigil are each presiding over 144 legions of angelic beings. Continue reading →
The Angelgod Was So Adamant
The Angelgod came to visit and asked for the sigil to be drawn. There was a strong desire that it be created. Continue reading →
Ablaze With the Glory of the Goddess
As gods and men obsessively search for answers, they neglect cultivating a sensitive awareness of the teeming life from the hidden kingdoms around them. Continue reading →