May the inner feminine within the Chinese people awaken and the inner balance be restored. Continue reading →
Powersigil for Israel
The core problem for Israel is the population’s mindset that life is unsafe and that they have to keep fighting for the right to live. Continue reading →
Our Exit From the Tunnel of Karma
To my amazement the impact from the Lightfamily’s contribution was absolutely huge! Continue reading →
Powersigil for Canada
Our lightsister Jana C. requested the Powersigil for Canada from the Seer and is sharing it with the Original Ones. Continue reading →
Powersigil Love Songs
The Seer has selected songs for us that accompany the recent powersigils for the Fabric of Existence. Continue reading →
The Weapon of Planetary Takeover
And they come among men, pretending to be them; they use what the Orions call The Weapon of Mach. Continue reading →