Kasaa unee haanaa ssisit klatvee (In self-sovereignty all is conquered) Continue reading →
Lightfamily Gathering (Sep, 2024)
The subliminal mind control of black noise is keeping the old reality in place instead of allowing the sacred government to be able to implement improved beneficial changes. Continue reading →
Knowing All Life to Be Part of the One Life
By clearing the pollution of external influences from our emotions, it simultaneously clears our minds to a large extent. Continue reading →
The Ceremony to Regain Our Authenticity
The subliminal mind control of black noise is keeping the old reality in place instead of allowing the sacred government to be able to implement improved  beneficial changes. Continue reading →
How to Prevent a Government-Engineered Digital Blackout
“Government-engineered” issues result from separate lessons waiting to be learnt. Continue reading →
Graphene Oxide
The graphene oxidizes (rusts) and eventually causes extreme fatigue, aching joints, loss of body mobility, increased allergies, headache, stiff muscles, poor sleep and depression. Continue reading →