The Way of the Goddess (Gathering #9)
The subliminal mind control of black noise is keeping the old reality in place instead of allowing the sacred government to be able to implement improved beneficial changes. ~The Seer
Sunday, September 29, 2024 @ 9 AM Pacific
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Inner Technology to Cancel Nanotechnology

Serebachvi nespava uresvi kelebach heranut
From the Orion Amfa-pabian Race comes the Tools of Freedom from Mind Control and the Effects of Nanotechnology.
The Ceremony to Remove Black Noise

Twenty-six diseases among man have resulted from the disruption of messages from the Infinite for the species of humankind. One of the benefits of this ceremony is that it will facilitate the mitigation of these disorders. Its main purpose, however, is to remove the disruptive black noise pollution from the body and its environment.
Powerstack to Restore Authentic Expression

It is not realized just how much of our choices and actions are determined by external sources. This lack of freedom of choice begins in early childhood and lasts all life long.
Power of the One (Fragrance Alchemy)

In combining the five awakened ingredients in exactly the correct order and proportions, a powerful blend is born that awakens the Self-Sustaining qualities of self-sovereign mastery. The body becomes a cauldron, or receptacle, for the alchemy of embodied power.
So authentic and very cool!