To help others or to manifest unexpected blessings, requires that your life is lived from a position of strength – a strong foundation. Continue reading →
Stop Making Up Self-Aggrandizing Stories About Your Past
I have never been born, and if there has been a need previously for the awesome revelations that we have received in this life, I would have been there myself. Continue reading →
Let This Be Your Mantra and Guide
Let this be your mantra and guide for this day: I believe in miracles ~The Seer Continue reading →
The Hall of Records
I have visited the Hall of Records and written into my agreement with life-unfolding that if assistance is asked of me with faith, that it shall be given. Continue reading →
Give Miracles the Benefit of the Doubt
So determined is mind to retain control of life through the tools of reason and logic, it will negate miracles and argue away that which lies outside of its control. Continue reading →
A Prayer for Today
May you value innocence more than the shallow veneer of humanity, called ‘sophistication’. Continue reading →