There is no set destiny. Destiny – the larger purpose of an individual’s life – is fluidly changing based on ones life’s choices. Continue reading →
The Attack on the Human Race
In this half hour podcast I share the latest cosmic revelations from my conversations with the Goddess. Continue reading →
Mixed Signals
Some have experienced frustration and confusion with the apparent ‘mixed signals’ in the latest messages from The Seer. Continue reading →
A New Mission Statement
Mechpa seresa kluhavit menechtu anuselavit. Trubihales erenechpa hiselvu. Continue reading →
Bravavish Nusarechspi
Yesterday we asked the Seer if she would share a few photos of her work with the Qi Vesta / Hakulit. Continue reading →
Original Ones News (Sept. 2021)
Here’s an audio message from me for the active patrons🦄 of