Every race has great gifts to give and if blindly attacked because of racial intolerance, the racial gifts become lost in an attempt to eliminate the folly. This impoverishes mankind as a whole.
The Seer Almine
Such an Explosive Topic
Gosh, racialism is such an explosive topic lately, it seems that to call anyone anything at all, is regarded as an insult. I hope our Lightfamily takes the information about the races in the spirit in which it was given.
Why It’s So Difficult to Understand Others Right Now
When one advances to one of the more advanced stages of evolution, it sets you apart from others around you. Being in a different stage than someone else, is like being in a reversed world — the way looking in a mirror reverses an image held up to the mirror.
The Direction of Within
The Sigil of the Direction of Within, helps in getting through this time of encountering eons of accumulated karma with grace and without fear.
The Nature of Life Will Change
We are preparing to leave the old reality behind (for it to die).
Life Is About to Turn Upside Down
The following letter from the Seer to her daughter, is being shared with her Lightfamily because of its importance regarding events to come. She was asked to interpret her daughter’s dream about their town turning upside down.