The Seer’s Thought for the Day
Some emotions build and energize (there are four; love, praise, gratitude and trust), some destructure and breakdown that which has been built — there are four of these as well.
Although both types of emotions are equally valuable in the renewed unfolding of life, the four emotions that destroy are detrimental to the individual’s cellular health, in spite of their revealing fragments of the mystery of life.
The four emotions that break down the cellular integrity of the body are: anger (the desire to break down obstacles), pain (the desire to change), fear (the desire to retreat) and protectiveness (the desire to maintain the status quo).
Alex says
This is very confusing to me. We were told that anger and tears were not a bad thing but necessary as part of the tapestry of life. I do not mean out of control anger. I remember also saying not to pretend as if our pain and anger don’t exist but to express them in healthy ways. I’m not going to suppress my anger or my tears…so when I read this there is not enough context.
V says
The universe seems to sing in jubilation when I express anger authentically in the moment where it is appropriate! I was not allowed to express anger at all in my family, even as a small child. And the process of overcoming the fear of punishment for authentically expressing seems to hold value in my journey.
When I read posts about banishing anger or transforming anger or anger being harmful, I feel that I’m not yet at the place in my journey where that applies. I’m feel like I’m still learning to crawl while others are running marathons. I’m not completely missing the mark, am I?
vanessa says
Deep Gratitude for this Almine and Rogier for posting
Michele Z says
I think of anger as being able to propel forward and break old patterns. Is this true even if it breaks down cellular integrity?
Dhani says
Good to know. Gratitude.
I am guessing the delusional ones are mainly focused on protectiveness…..