You once mentioned that there used to be other planets in our solar system that were full of diverse lifeforms, but that they self-destructed through atomic warfare. That meant that the experiment of diversity peacefully coexisting on Earth is the last of its kind and that it's important that, as a prototype for cosmic diversity existing together in peace, must succeed. Can you comment further on this ?
The Seer:
There initially were five planets of diversity where creatures had individual freedom of choice. The Earth is the last one remaining of this group.
Mars and Venus – both those two planets used to be beautiful like Earth, but self-destructed through atomic warfare. The weapons owned by the very advanced races of our universe are capably of destroying the entire universe unless the family of universal creatures learns to live in supported diversity. The Earth is the archetype to accomplish this by proxy.
Derek says
The secret of union is communion.
Dhani says
MOst humans I know say, I'll be dead and gone by the time anything happens. They are totally ignorant of what they are teaching their children and this selfish attitude prevails for generations. We are doing important work, as God beings, to change this attitude for all humanity by proxy.
Dhani says
Oh yes, I remember this. Thank you for bringing this up again Rogier. Very important at this time on Earth.
Alex Murray says
A cosmic family sounds great