From: Gateway to the Magical Life
The Seer:
The addiction to light comes from the fear and pain that arises as we imagine ourself to be trapped in our self-made maze of questions and answers. We seek within the maze for the answer on how to get out of it. We assuage the feeling of being lost by always seeking the next answer, which always begets the next question. In aware experience, without interpretation, all desire to interpret is left behind.
The electric, mind-based individual, having changed his or her need to seek understanding to effortless knowing, becomes like a grounding rod. Life flourishes in the presence of such a being, and catastrophic change becomes unnecessary.
Sheres-araskahit arkla-berenut plechparhu ninas eskleresve
Release now the trauma held in the overburdened memories of the feminine
Mechtusihat uvespes-piharut nichvemines parspera araratvaris
Through the expression of the poetry in your heart, are past wounds healed
Bispa erech-uhuru rasvahit mista-uranes
Only then will all questions cease
Beautiful. Thank you.
Very helpful, thank you ❤️
Thank you for leading me to this place of inner flourishing.
So very very beautiful
Thankyou Rogier