The Seer:
There is a group of decision-makers in the secret services of America that keep secrets even from the President; they operate without oversight and work under cover of darkness, moving the fate of countries around like chess pieces on a board. They assassinate with impunity and if they were to assassinate Russian leaders, Russia would attack America, which would start a third world war. It is necessary for the lightbearers of the planet who rule by proxy, to remove all resentment motivated thoughts of revenge from all their interactions with others.
Thank you Almineππ
Thank you Almine . I will keep a sharp eye on myself .
Gosh…I was just thinking about this very thing, during the week. Many thanks for this clarification Almine. You are so on point!!
As usual, your insights are spot-on to my current experience.
Yes I have been carrying thoughts of retribution (revenge) yet simultaneously, I realize my own role in creating those past events that cry for my returning some sort of bad behavior back against those individuals (I perceived that had)wronged me. I am immediately just…. dropping it.
Deepest gratitude to you.
Revenge is something I have never even considered the slightest bit. So I’m not about to start now. But I can imagine something like this going on. The hatred of so many US citizen who didn’t vote for Trump is astounding. And that some people with power beyond what anyone one knows exidts and have such plans is no surprise. Scarry though. It has to be avoided.
Thank you, Almine
Thank you very much for this. I have been more mindful about it since the word “revenge” came up in the Powersigil for Trump.
Otherwise, I wonder how this relates to Trump’s nominee for director of national intelligence; and some apparent difficulties with her confirmation…
The runes are pulling out old patterns for me to release. This is an intense process running very deep. On the day this entry was published, my COTD said something was being overlooked and said to look the situation over again–that the correct answer only comes through the right question. What is it in the OO’s that brought this situation into being?
Beloved Almine thank you ..
I have never resonated with the energy of revenge. I teach my children the same. The idea of justice or an eye for an eye is egoic in nature, in my opinion.
Thank you , Beloved.
Thank you Beloved Almine.
Thank you.
Thinking about this this morning
Thank you π
Thank you Almine. ππ¦’