Do you know the story behind this New Jersey drone situation?
The Seer:
The craft and ‘drones’ originate off-planet. It’s a study initiative to check out the planet and its inhabitants as a possible future home — their planet is dying.
Still checking why they are using craft when they can travel interplanetary distances by creating some field around their upper torso (like, but not exactly like, a unified chakra field)… oh I see, the drones are as large as they are because they’re like massive computers gathering data for geology, mineralogy, biology, etc.
They don’t need fuel. They’re self-energizing.
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Bas Waaijer says
We need to learn to be compassionate about all beings in this Universe. It’s unbecoming of an OO to assume the worst without explanation.
I’m sure Almine will tell us more if it’s relevant to do so.
Hunt says
If these beings have purposefully killed their planet as a result of greed and corruption – not unlike the reptilians – and are seeking to harvest and use Earth’s remaining resources and enslave her Sacred Beings, then they should be driven away. The Great Mother does not need any more hostiles taking advantage of Her. If they are not, and are seeking sanctuary from hostiles who have preyed upon them, they must be unaware of the multitude of happenings going on now.
My question is this, why are the “governments” of the world allowing alien drones to data collect? Generally speaking, the false government enjoys shooting anything and everything out of the skies that isn’t in its best interests.
DeniseL says
I find it interesting that they are self-energizing, yet their planet is dying…..
Lynette Ruest says
I am wondering if the drones spoken of in this post are from the alien race from Cygnet as spoken of in the Power Sigil that is part of the Way of the Goddess December ceremony?
Rogier says
It doesn’t look like these are hostile
Christel says
Just rereading ” Secrets of the Hidden Realms”.. there. Almine wrote about the spaceships from Orion.. ..NOw? Also from Orion ? am wondering —
Christina says
Ah, ok re the same regarding the drones in other states. Thanks! And the orbs? Well, sure why is their planet dying and what race are they? But my first thought on why now.. does it have anything to do with the upcoming presidential transition?
About 10 days ago, as I was going to sleep, I saw a strange tall white shaped being looking down at me. It did not feel hostile but very odd looking!
Rogier says
Their planet is dying, that’s why now
Dhani says
May we request. a. power sigil for invisibility to alien drones or probing devices of any kind?
Kathleen Frances says
Thank you Almine and Rogier for this fascinating information.
I look forward to following up on more
that comes comes through.
Pintipa says
Yep. Been seeing them above our place in New Jersey for a while before it became news.
Vanessa says
I have had people mention drones to Me too, some ex Irish army men. Some thought they were actual crafts, I guess not too far off as the drones are off planet.
Some of Humanity are aware they are not from here.
Thankyou for the clarity on this Almine and Rogier
Christina says
Only the drones in Jersey? Why so many there? Many other people in other States have posted videos of different drones. Also, there are the orbs which do not look like drones but quite large and bright. Seen this on a news channel and a few other postings. I know of someone who captured a picture of one in Portland, Oregon. Are these beings nice or hostile that are checking us out? Why now? 🙏💗
Rogier says
New Jersey is the first state this was reported — the answer isn’t state limited.
Why their planet is dying now?
Edward says
Yes, why?
Deborah says
If that is the case and they’re looking for a new home, are they benevolence or will they be an issue to humanity?
How can this plant it even hold another species as it seems the people of this world are struggling for resources.
Why do they have a right to come in and look into our resources for their own use?
Rogier says
She probably would’ve said if they are hostile.
As far as I know this planet is rife with alien ‘parasites’
Edward says
I hope we don’t catch any…