Fear is the hallmark of entering a new and unfamiliar cycle of existence; it is the initiation and challenge life tests the initiate with to determine whether he or she has the required courage and fortitude to embark on the quest that lies ahead.
The Scroll of Elvuras
New Messages from the Angels
After several years of seclusion from public appearances, and since writing over 32 books based on revelation over the last decades, we are extremely elated to present a chapter by chapter release from the Seer’s translation of the Angelic scroll of Elvuras.
Unlike the other sacred works produced by the Seer over the years, this ongoing release of angelic messages from an ancient scroll is very specifically meant to guide and empower the Lightworkers of the Earth.
While previous works were meant to gather the great lights of the world and as a wake-up call to mankind, the Scroll of Elvuras is very specifically meant for the few rather than the many.
As the ancient angelic language of the scroll is translated, we will be releasing its most sacred secrets a chapter at a time to sustain the way-showers in their mission to restore balance and peace to mankind from beyond mortal boundaries.
Join us for this life-changing event. Sign up to automatically receive your monthly chapter as the Seer makes it available to the lightworkers of the planet! (Registration opens next week.)
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world.”- Matthew 5:13-16
Fine Print
This upcoming subscription represents access to the Seer’s new book’s chapters, as they are released – one chapter per month. (The subscription model is the only way to avoid the fragmentation and overhead of single chapter installments on the store.) Potentially, and pending demand, we’ll continue with a new book after this one. Please note that the chapter will be released once a month, or possibly as a section per week — this remains to be determined, but regardless, it will not be a daily flow of information. This offering is separate from your ongoing patronage support, which we really appreciate as that which enables us to bring you the Original Ones platform as a light beacon unto the world.
Thank you!! So wonderful!
Has the Scroll of Elvira’s been released and where or when can I sign up
Wow how super exciting. In some of the work I’d done on the land one day, I was blessed with a gum leaf scroll, inside of a pyramid. Was so magical how it appeared, and since been so intrigued by what the scroll contains. So this is quite exciting for me as well.
Thank you, thank you, Almine and beautiful team!!! <3
Thank you Almine Looking foreword to this and am very grateful ❤️
Thank you Almine really looking forward to this 😊
Thank you Rogier and team!
Amazing. Looking forward to this.
Beautiful, very inspiring and I am very grateful for these revelations to receive monthly. Somehow I have been waiting for this 🥰
Wow! Thank you Beloved! And to Rogier and Team for bringing us Beloved’s messages, etc. daily. The month by month installment is an excellent idea as it will “force” me to concentrate and incorporate one chapter per month, instead of reading the whole book at once.
Wow! Thank you Beloved and thank you Rogier and Team for the work in making the platform of delivery to us via once a month installments. This also will “force” me to take the time to read and incorporate each chapter of this holy information, instead of reading the whole book at once. I am so elated about this new scroll!!
It was there waiting all along…and now it’s time.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news!
I feel so blessed to be receiving this miraculous guidance from our beloved Mother. It is a moment to moment miracle.
What a miraculous event <3
Can’t wait! Tears of Gratitude for such a Gift 🦉🕊🦅
Inspired revelations are always SO welcome and cherished
I look forward to the Seer’s new book’s
chapters, as they will be released, once
a month.
I appreciate the beautiful messages from
WAHOO ! What news ! I am dancing with joy.
Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️ So exciting!