The Evolution of The Eight Extraordinary Meridians
The Seer:
The Eight Meridians’ tones are collectively called the Tones of Reconciliation (they activate as we value opposites equally). The Tones of Reconciliation form a common language, a communication system, between the three minds of the head, the heart and the gut. The Ninth Meridian is a catalyst that, in conjunction with the other Eight, forms an alchemical equation that activates the fourth mind: Neuroception — the cellular mind that allows us to access information outside of our conscious awareness.
Ninth Meridian Activation
Creating the Sacred Space of the Gods
Last Sunday Mass
August 25, 2024
A Deeper Comprehension of the Nature and Function of the Eight Plus One Extraordinary Meridians (And Their Alchemical Oils)
- The Ren Mai Meridian (Arabian Nights Blend)
The Tone of Devoted Action (represented by the color Red)
Reconciles Activity and Rest
It is the microcosmic representation of the Arkbar field of existence (or dimension), predominantly consisting of Material quantum particles. - The Yin Qiao Mai Meridian (Blue Lagoon Blend)
The Tone of Perpetual Self-Regeneration (Magenta)
Reconciles permanence/transience
Represents the field of Uhut, consisting predominantly of Perception quantum particles. - The Du Mai Meridian (Lily)
The Tone of Appreciative Awareness (Purple Amethyst)
Reconciles life-enhancing/non-life-enhancing
Represents the field of Plihar, consisting mostly of Love and Light quantum particles. - The Yang Qiao Mai Meridian (Luxor Blend)
The Tone of Clear Perception (Golden Yellow)
Reconciles hidden/evident
Represents the field of Prutbar, consisting mostly of Awareness quantum particles. - The Chong Mai Meridian (Papyrus Blend)
The Tone of Divine Alignment (Turquoise)
Reconciles individual choice/Infinite Intent
Represents the field of Mesenut, consisting mostly of Life-force quantum particles. - The Yin Wei Mai Meridian (Magnolia)
The Tone of The Greater Self (Emerald Green)
Reconciles inner/outer
Represents the field of Sklivet, consisting mostly of Presence quantum particles. - The Dai Mai Meridian (Hathor Blend)
The Tone of Timelessness (Sky Blue)
Reconciles past/present
Represents the field of Harasut, consisting mostly of Self-perception quantum particles. - The Yang Wei Mai Meridian (Secret of Nefertiti Blend)
The Tone of Acknowledged Eternal Existence (Violet)
Reconciles individuation/oneness
Represents the field of Mistel, consisting mostly of quantum Omni particles. - Baihui “Meeting of the Hundreds” (Flight of the Falcon… to be applied to the top of the crown)
The Tone of Explorative Omniscience (representing the color Amber Orange)
Reconciles Creation/Creator
Microcosmically represents the four Fields of Awakening, consisting predominantly of quantum Unfathomable particles — spheres of nine colors of light occupying the same space surrounded by a white pearlescent membrane of light.
Clearing the 8 Extraordinary Meridians →
Flight of the Falcon→
(For the description of the other types of quantum particles, see Windows Into Eternity — the Building Blocks of Life.)
Dhani says
Fantastic!! Great to have these answers so clearly spelled out here. GRATITUDE!!
Zen says
Is it possible to do the ceremony without the oils ? I couldn’t get them in time (financial reasons)
Marisa King says
This is incredible, the connection ! Thank you!
Vanessa says
So very very Brilliant!!
Thankyou for sharing!!