I dreamed I was writing on a wall, at night. It was foggy and my pen was dry (I did manage to draw a small black star). Outside there was a faint yellow glow of street lamps. Inside, through the window I saw the Earth began to tilt, followed by a light streak through the sky that looked like a meteor.
The Seer:
Black star: attempt to control outcome.
Writing on the wall with pen drying up: don’t try dabbling in writing or interpreting prophecies yourself (you can’t see clearly) — it won’t work (dried up pen).
Faint glow of street lamps: the masses are kept in the dark by political and religious leaders and so they’re starting to find their own way through life.
The rest of your dream is saying that many fear a meteor strike, but a large cataclysmic strike will be preceded by an Earth axis tilt.
Seer’s Note:
The tilt will occur from the many missile tests being done by shooting them into the ground — even a fast spinning top will wobble from the pressure of the slightest touch against it. The removal of uranium from the ground also makes the planet unstable.
But that cataclysmic scenario is still a millennium away?
The Seer:
I just want to add that there are MANY potentialities and Rogier was seeing one of them. We can always shift potentialities and outcomes by the choices we make in every moment.
I dreamd last night from ALMINE ,and i thinck it was remembering her last visit to belgium
and it was so warm and nice that i dont want to stop the draem ……….but it stopt ……..
thank you for always to be deir for us with the beautiful lessons …LOVE , LOVE
As it happens, I did see this message before our Zoom gathering for Earth Healing today.
All sessions are spontaneous and unintentional as the magic unfolds.
We did happen to clear the inner Earth during our session today and the debris from these missile activities. We did restoration of the magic of the planet as a whole as well.
Well, let’s keep focus on the next step before us so that we can bring humanity back to focus on wholesomeness. That will put an end to all the war mongering and completely dissolve the old Generals and their regime.
Thank you for sharing with all of us Rogier.