Did you close the Paris Underworld portal during our monthly gathering, or after? We’re wondering if there was some correlation with the planetary transcendence ceremony.
The Seer:
Yes, there is a correlation with that ceremony done by the Holy Ones. The reality of men and gods and all the creatures of the natural world cannot be transcended to a higher level as long as demons walk the Earth.
The planetary transcendence ceremony provided the necessary impetus and power to raise large portions of humanity to a higher reality. From there it becomes easier to raise up the lower group of humanity to join the higher reality through the self-governing proxy work of the way showers. The Original Ones have spearheaded the way and more will follow.
I wish to assure you, as I have before, of the tremendous power and profound effects of these holy online gatherings. Know that you will be deeply blessed for this great service you render to humankind.
With profound love and deep respect,
what wonderful message to the PLanetary transcendence ceremony, which was exceptionally well composed and presented, so deeply touching.
Thank you Beloved Almine. I am honored to part of the holy monthly gatherings.
YES! Everything is peaceful and quiet and fluid in my reality. GRATITUDE dear ones!
Mine is, too!
Utter Gratitude and a privilige
Deep Love β€
Thank you so much Almine. What a joy!
Thank you Beloved Mother for all you doπ₯°
Thank Rogier, OO Team and lighfamily for these sacred gatherings.
Love, Praise & Gratitude
Thank you for your divine intervention, your courage, I woke up on Sunday night, we are 19 hours ahead of PST ,after dreaming about a town full of zombies I think there was a big green demon on top of a scaffold I climb up and cut its head of with a knife as I drifted away into the dark I can remember saying we’re are you sending me. When I awoke from the dream I heard it’s a full moon ,as I got back in bed and was contemplating the dream I heard, you cut its head off ? As I flip through the dictionary nothing on demons?