I’m sharing the recent exchange below, because my response was immediately deleted from Jill and Sergey’s Telegram group. In this, it’s important to highlight the deceptive tactic of implying weakness on the Seer’s part, as if ‘she just doesn’t know what is going on’. It’s a play on words and presumptions that weaves a web of illusion and attempts to exploit ‘reasonable doubt’. Because she does know, and she can see, and she is in daily contact with Team Almine.
This is what Sergey was addressing in his video entitled “Strife” above. While Almine is totally out of commission recovering from surgery, and not in contact with anyone. There is a tactic, frequently used in western new media as of late, to accuse your opponent of committing all your sins, so that when they come to light, people will be more likely to think you are being blackmailed and falsely accused rather than them. For us it is business as usual
You’re delusional if you think this is somehow about Almine being “out of commission”, implying she is incapacitated, as if she just doesn’t know what’s going on. (In other words, lies that will merely convince the gullible.) But she sees very clearly. And it’s disingenuous to pin this on the ownership transfer, because no one ever had to know about that. Unfortunately, the ownership had to be asserted regarding:
- The shameless theft of copyrighted English language materials by the Russian company (i.e. not asking, just taking)
- The republishing of obsolete or discontinued materials; overruling the Seer’s instruction
- The blatant false advertising
- The intent to corrupt the Seer’s teachings — the video on “Belvaspata Consciousness” being just one disturbing display
No matter how much cognitive dissonance and denial anyone may experience in all this, the reality is that the Seer requested we go ahead and post today’s notice. (In fact, she asked why I was dragging my heels?) Please consider that carefully. Anyone suggesting this is about “choosing sides” is missing the point, because the only sides are those that wish to preserve, and adhere to, the purity of these teachings and those that instead move to compromise them. It’s delusional to believe that both “sides” are equal — try not to be fooled.
Lena says
I am very grateful and relieved this is being shared publicly. I have privately gone through this conflict with members of the light family and have as a result distanced myself completely from certain people, even the OOs as a whole and this website. I was just not quite aware, this “conflict” was indeed much bigger.
It has been incredibly painful to experience the arrogance and belittling of our Mother that I was shown in the conversations with certain individuals – amongst them some who have created a persona of themselves through Her work and name.
However, as this has all been revealing in my personal life, it has also encouraged my own self-sovereignty – which is really only found when true communion and intimacy with the Infinite, our Mother and Almine, is lived or aspired as a true genuine directive, wholly.
I am so glad, I no longer try and save, but that I have let them go because they not only fail to appreciate and love Her, but (in my experience personally) also me. Much love to everyone.
Jodie says
I agree with the many other posters, (seems like the majority thank goodness) that there is no one else in more pure integrity and truth then our seer Almine. If that does not feel true to the small amount of dissenters, my two cents is that their intuition is way way off, and perhaps they need to go inwards to see why. Rogier has never presented anything other than the utmost in truth, and extreme care in sharing the Seer’s thoughts and teachings. Joanne said it best when she said she stands behind the “purity of the source of information”. I am in full, roaring agreement, and thank you Rogier and the board for working through this mess. You are all treasures to us. Almine we love you, and are in grateful awe.
Edward says
This all feels inevitable when we are obsessed with our consciousness. There is a point when a metaphysician practices/attempts total freedom of consciousness, and is what I want to call the desire for total self- possession.
When the battle comes down to intellectual property Russia must fold their cards – they should start from scratch with what each day presents them without any assistance from Almine’s work. Let go of needing to teach others; in essence freeing themselves from Almine’s work to see how they fair in the world. Perhaps a ritual of closure is necessary; acknowledging how far we’ve come can have beneficial doorways…instead of obsessing about where we are going. Let go, and take on a new adventure is what I would say. If teachers of Almine’s work can’t do this – exploitation will sneak up on them. The tyranny of the feminine may include total co-dependence…and then total rebellion.
I think Almine has said in the far past that this is classic competitiveness.
It is difficult for many OOs , in my opinion, to match self sovereignty and follow without any personal attachments and insights – Almine as their Mother.
I have a lot of compassion for OOs trying to teach- but I see it in my dreams as trying to drown a fox. They are being tricked into learning the unexpected- try as they might- they will have to let go eventually…
Bless us.
Dhani says
OH dear, this is going too far in not listening to Almine and her original teachings.
So detrimental to those who believe their world views can supersede Almine’s guidance and instructions.
I hope those beings can release the grip of the matrices and come back to the true path. It is not too late…..to join forces with the ONE as the many.
Alex Murray says
Cleaning up and clearing out isn’t always easy…however, it is absolutely necessary for the protection of the sacred and true and real.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for posting this Rogier. It is importa t to know of the tactics being used. All timing is perfect as I remind myself while wishing something had been said before.
christel says
finally you cleared up my state of confusion. I was wondering.. for quite some time. Sad it is. but it had to be. may they be aware, the Infinite knows everything.. and so does Almine.
Diana says
Thank you so much Rogier. This is so important. 🙏🏽❤️
Joanne Harding says
As without so within
So where to clean up do we begin? Beginningless and endless, Almine, tools
She has been clear regarding their use.
We are the Original fractal pattern
These words from Almine, I repeat verbatim
To dissolve mirrors, to change life
We look within
Only Almine’s tools we use therein!
We have No Need for other sources
No gods divine to lead us forward
Looking within will give insight and Grace
To save precious Earth and the human race.
It can be so simple to stray from the path before us
When with innocent eyes we are led as a chorus
That has its dependence on light from another
When we can do and live Song of Self instead to Inspire eachOne other.
We must not form dependencies
For our convenience and our ease
Self reliance, Oneness with Mother we cultivate
We must remember this before it’s too late.
If we’re not careful we may not succeed
In Almine’s many resources she gives us the seed
The hope that humanity will not decay.
That all life will flourish and see happy and wholesome days.
To Almine’s books we must read
We are standing on the precipice of sun setting deeds
The history of the cycles are recorded there
Lest we stray from Infinite’s Care.
At this point dangerous games are being played
We must return to the Infinite Mother without delay
We cannot let this happen again
When great grief will be felt by the gods among men
So please beloveds heed the warnings
Lest there may not be a bright new morning
Let Discernment and Inner spiritual warriorship be our guide
And Almine Only be the Source of that light.
All these words here,
I say to me too
As I cultivate self expression, honesty, integrity, truth.
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you, Rogier
Anonymous says
Of course Almine knows. Do you not know who she is or the sacredness of her work? It is unfathomable how anyone or group of people could take from her in this way and distribute works that she did not approve of. Think of the consequences of this, not only for the self but the cosmos and all life. How are we not all humbled and in awe of Almine and her presence here on Earth enough to respect her wishes in this regard?
Sunny says
Indeed I agree. I feel deeply the cycling energy here,, like we’ve entered into another fork in the road…of purity and clarity of choice. I serve the Holy Mother and all of life. Not sides. And we all have to delve deeply into our own awareness now. The post a few days ago on deleting the library material was a clear sign to me that there was imminent danger ahead… The idea that some are deliberately misleading and causing fractures among The light family is abhorrent to me. The result could be truly disastrous..as those of ill intent wait in the wings for us to fail at our mission. Think about that carefully. Love praise and gratitude to our Holy MOTHER!!!!
Amber Fawn Smith says
Absolutely! 👏👏👏
Anonymous says
Well in my observTion the Russiam group has been incredibly self important thinking they know about things which they do not, giving inaccurate advice, and scting like they are better thsn everyone…
Now rude i dontmind bc some of the OOs are rude .but playing holier than thou does not vibe with me…icould list several names of individuals that i paid for sesions and all ofthem were inaccurate….from different Almine groups..and friends of Almine.Im so tired of deali g with high holy Almine followers..followi g dark groups amd praying to shadow beings long since been dissolved
Like Almine said…if youlive in the mind you shall perish.. ..i dont want to hear anyone knocking Almine….knock on yourself, clean up your own mess and carve your own way..Almine should not have to fo everything for you all…
when you have worked as long and hard as she has then maybe you could talk…..but none of you are even.close….nor do i claim to be