Beloved Almine, in a recent post you said ‘You strengthen what you deny the right to exist’. Separately, I downloaded the Sigil for Compassion for Animal Suffering.
My area of service has been increasing compassion for animals, seeking to free animals from factory farms, and being shipped across the world for slaughter.
Am I strengthening these industries by ‘denying them the right to exist’ if we are advocating for changes in law versus simply seeking to awaken humans to our love for these animals?
As an Original One what is my greatest service to animals? My own life choices reflect my love for animals.
The Seer:
To start with, I’d like to share a few quotes:
“You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip. You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip. You’ve never turned the wrong to right. You’ve been a coward in the fight.” ~Charles Mackay
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
The reference to my saying you strengthen what you oppose, refers to the emotion that drives the action. Such as the desire to suppress, exploit, diminish, or deny the right to flourish. Most certainly you should heed the call of inspiration and do the things that beckon you; the things that are yours to do.
Do them without judgement and with the firm conviction that all life is innocent because it is a mirrored expression of the face of the Creator. If something does not have something to contribute to unfolding life (whether we can see it from our limited vantage point or not), it would cease to exist.
How to Turn a Travesty of Justice Into a Blessing
- Contemplate the undesirable situation and acknowledge that it is contributing to to the evolution of life whether you can see it or not. Ask to be shown its purpose before falling asleep and then take a moment before getting out of bed to ask, ‘what can I now see that couldn’t see before?’
- The most effective way to change the situation is to see what it represents within you and then change it by changing yourself.
“To right a wrong, still judges and divides. To acknowledge the perfection of unfolding wholeness, benefits all life.”
- But if there are actions to take to improve the situation, do so in the quiet majesty of your divinity.
“In quietness and confidence shall be your strength”
Seer’s Notes:
- In changing an undesirable situation, doing the first twelve sigils of Kaanish Belvaspata on a daily basis (this is a suggestion for Belvaspata practitioners only), is a powerful tool, particularly in the hands of a godbeing.
- Animals symbolically represent the instinctual nature within man and gods. It is this nature that instinctively reacts when triggered.
“Fools react, masters respond”
- Master your reactions to rage or blame, or to defend when attacked or belittled by another, by taking a deep breath before responding, after first asking, ‘Is it kind? Is it true? And is it necessary?’ By reigning in your instinctual reactions, it supports people of conscience to withdraw their support from these inhumane practices in the meat industries, to think before they consume.

I never want to see, ‘how could you’ in an animal’s innocent eyes. May all life find me harmless to the creatures of the earth.

I thought I would find it burdensome to have a pet because of my ability to hear its thoughts. But listening to her innocent and completely devoted thoughts, has been my joy.
The Seer
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My animals are so much joy to me as well ! Thank you for sharing pieces of your precious life with us dearest Almine ❣️
The Portrait of you and Jaylene is stunning😍 much love and appreciation to you always 🙏❤️
Thank you dearest Almine. This was my question and I am so grateful for your answer, your guidance and your wisdom. I now also deeply understand the suffering of those who are employed to harm and kill animals on a daily basis. Industries that profit from animal suffering hide the impact on the humans and the animals. I will continue to do all I can to bring this suffering to Light as well as the alternative choices available to us. And yes, my dogs too, are my greatest joy. Thank you again beloved Almine.
I am so grateful to the person who asked this question. It is something I have been wanting to ask for a long time. And a huge THANK YOU to Almine for her wonderful response.