What order should be used in closing a Belvaspata session? Is the LPG order correct? Some of the protocols use this order, while others use the order of Praise, Love and Gratitude at closing.* Which order is correct? PLG or LPG?
The Seer:
the short answer is to use it in the exact order any specific protocol specifies in its instructions. Whatever it specifies, is the correct order for that specific protocol. Here is the reason why the correct order matters:
The reason Belvaspata yields such powerful results, is that it uses alchemy to leverage the power of manifestation released by the respective sigils. In other words, they are part of an alchemical equation.
To explain: let’s pretend the equation of love, praise and gratitude is represented by the numbers 1+2+3.
Mathematically the order in which these numbers are added doesn’t matter — the answer will still be 6
But as an alchemical equation, the value of the number change as the components leverage each other: 1+2 could equal 9; 9+3 could equal 16; 9+16 could equal 22. The answer therefore could be different than if you were adding three components together mathematically. This is a hypothetical equation of love, plus praise, plus gratitude.
Pretending yet again that love is 1, praise is 2 and gratitude is 3. If we add praise, love and gratitude together in that order, it could form a different equation like this:
LPG: 1+2+3
PGL: 2+3+1
We have in our previous example pretended that 1+2=9. But now 2+3 could be 13. And 13+1 could equal 32. The answer depends on the alchemical value of the components and not the mathematical value. The answer to the equation of these alchemical components, depends very much on the order of the equation.
As I’ve said, the short answer is: strictly adhere to the protocol’s instructions.
You recently said that the outcome of the LPG equation is ‘adoration in action’, while PLG combines to, ‘the opening of new potential’. But previously you said that the outcome of PLG is ‘honoring the source of supply’ – is this the same?
The Seer:
No, they’re not equivalent. This equation (PLG) adds up to ‘honoring the source of supply’. It only adds up to ‘the opening of new potential’ if you also add Trust (PLGT). Sorry, my mistake.
- See: Male DNA Repair and the Peaceful Sleep Belvaspata for the LGP sequence. Learn more about Belvaspata Angel Healing at
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Sabine says
I wonder why there are no closing sigils for Kriyavaspata. Does anybody know the reason for this?
Vanessa says
Deeply Grateful for more clarity on the closing sigils !
I have experienced what I call multiple miracles since thd sacred ceremony on Saturday last week .
My lower right on my back has been completely healed!!
I woke at 5am as I was smiling in my dream time with with utter joy and relief,
I feel Almine was there, I was praising the Infinite Mother and when I woke up I wondered if I was still dreaming as there was no pain at all ! I was in utter delight Gratitude, and intense Praise to the Infinite Mother ….I felt I was speaking to the beloved Infinite Mother in my dream time awake time ( which I do) in-between awake and asleep
I then slept some more to awaken to the same miracle….
I noticed other things that may have been a problem before were wavered.
My entire physical body feels incredibly relaxed…less dense.
Hence no resistance.
I have no words to express my Gratitude….
All I can share with you for now is that its like a piece if Me within my being that had been captured for so very long has been finally set free….
Tears flowed quite frequently on Sunday at the drop of a hat…every time I tried to express it with words the magnitude I felt within of what occurred I would become teary again, tears of utter Gratitude and Praise to the Infinite and Love of course….the intensity has been profound…on a cellular level my Hope and Trust in the Infinite has become even deeper…
I could not stop singing either all dedicated to the Beloved Infinite Mother
Swallows of Navy and Blue
Reveal themselves to Me in a swirl of Joyful Delighted Play
Sabine says
Thank you for sharing, Vanessa!
Anna says
That is wonderful Vanessa, so happy for your beautiful miracle!
I know what you mean about tears of gratitude.
Miriam says
Excellent! With a little delay, I hope to do the Male DNA Repair Protocol ceremony for myself as well, this weekend.