What do you regard as the most significant prophecy of Edgar Cayce ?
The Seer:
When Mt Pelée (Martinique) and Mt Etna (Italy) erupt at the same time, people on coastlines have 90 days to evacuate.
That’s disconcerting, but why are you telling us about a possible global flooding now? Is something brewing?
The Seer:
Most of us either live in coastal areas, or have family members that do. I have seen pieces of the future puzzle but couldn’t quite connect the dots as to when there would be a critical time to move away. I was therefore so grateful when I could finally interpret my own ‘Two Sisters’ prophecy written in my personal journal, that answered this question, I wanted to share it with you right away.* I compared it to other reliable prophecies (I find Cayce’s the most reliable because he didn’t have the dilemma that others like Nostradamus had, in that he had to share his visions in a hidden way) to make sure I didn’t miss any important points. That’s why I’m sharing it now.
This possible global flooding with a ninety-day evacuation warning, does it only apply to North America?
The Seer:
A significant meteor impact that knocks the Earth off its axis, will affect all continents. Such a meteor strike will cause 300-mph winds and mountainous seas around the globe.
Is the way to evacuate, a matter of moving inland? For how many miles?
The Seer:
It’s not that simple, unfortunately. People in India shouldn’t flee inland, but to the Himalayas (Nepal, Tibet) because of the tectonic plate collapsing. I don’t understand my prophecy about North America quite clearly, as yet. What I wrote after a vision, in my journal, states, “The landmass of the eagle shall divide in two when the Great Lakes join the river that flows from North to South. It’s splitting in two comes from the politically divided nation that occupies this country.”
What is the most immediate hardship to prepare our families for?
The Seer:
The most imminent threat is a global massive famine.
- “Two mountains like sisters there are that hold hands beneath the mantle of the earth. A wake up call comes from the sky to disturb their slumber…”
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I’ve heard of this happening in a prediction about a year ago that America would split in two as a result of our countries political divide. Also there’s a video on YouTube describing that the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off the west coast could trigger the North American tectonic plate literally splitting the country in two. (The two mountains?)
But is far from our time? The most importan now is the famine i guess
I also wonder how those of us in middle of the United States below the Great Lakes and on the Mississippi river will fare. It sounds like the Great Lakes will spill into the Mississippi (the river that runs North to South) and will flood the plain all the way down…
I don’t know, but there is always very little on the southern land masses like australia, there is no where to go or “escape” to.
Hay una profecía ancestral que dice: Que “El Cóndor dará de comer al Águila ”
Es decir que Sud América alimentará a Norteamérica.
Siiii asi es
Thank you for sharing this deeply challenging information, Almine.
It’s interesting because I generally have lucid
dreams periodically, but none at all for quite
some time.
I will hold Sacred Space for this portend🙏💜
I hope that there is something we can do to prevent or at least ameliorate the global famine.
Yes, what can we do?
We can fold space to avoid the meteor strike….
How do we do that?
Omg…..deeply greatful for the heads up Almine….
What of Ireland Where I live it is a small island would it be wise to leave Ireland all together ..?
Have been strongly aware of the 90 day mark thanks to a dear brother making Me aware of 90 days by 3…but not knowing why I was hearing it… just feeling to share this)
Deep Gratitude
Thank you for giving us this prophecy and valuable advice.