The Seer:
Two nights ago I was briefly taken to view a very rare event. I found myself in a large round hall with glowing walls and seats around the walls where various mystical creatures were seated. A special area with enormous proportions was prepared for the giants.
All were avidly listening to a group of sylphs speaking from an elevated crystal platform. They spoke in silent telepathy that I couldn’t understand (though all other creatures seemed to, and some were nodding in agreement), but I somehow knew was addressing the global drought. I had a luminous angelic guide who told me that such a rare gathering (according to him there were 288 attendees from the mystical kingdoms present) had not been held for 4,400 years. He explained that I was there because of a ceremony the god-beings on Earth would be participating in on the solstice to shorten the duration of the drought.*
As he said: all hope rested on their success, the entire assembly turned their attention to my guide and myself as though they could hear our whispered conversation. I saw with my inner vision a powersigil I had to draw for use during the solstice ceremony. The next moment I woke up in a different part of my house, than in my bedroom where I had been when I was transported to this magical event.
The Seer
- See: The Way to Curtail a Devastating Prolonged Drought and A Drought Unlike Any Recorded in History
Wow beautiful
In Belgium it is the oppositie! Farmers couldn´t harvest from fields of vegetables because rains last years. Potatoes for ex still in ground, most rotten. And we had 4 months of rain this year. Farmers cannot plant or seed, again!
I also feel giants, and know that they safe my land.
Wow incredible Almine!!!!
Today I spoke with a child and explained that the reason I needed to put a cushion under them was because I am like a Giant
And two nights ago I was preparing a space for the giants and trying to figure out how to get them to the space. I knew they would be here though.
I am so excited! Thank you Beloved Almine for sharing this extraordinary experience.
Wow – that is an amazing!!
Wow! 🥰 i Would like yo Know more about
Wow, I had chills and tears from beauty of event and Great Praise, Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Almine ❤️❤️❤️ So Grateful for your Presence on Earth 🌏
WOW this is amazing!!! I was wondering about the Solstice ceremony for this year.