For our upcoming Lightfamily gathering on April 28, the special theme will be the brand new Peaceful Sleep Belvaspata angel healing protocol (protocol download available separately). The Seer was prompted to access and receive this sacred information last week, and requested we highlight it this coming Sunday, being that we are tasked on working on the global sleeplessness epidemic, both for ourselves and our family, and by proxy for the global population.
Shallow or disrupted sleep produces superficial and shallow living. Shallowness of living increases the tendency towards a materialistic society.
The Seer
So, in addition to our traditional angelic and meditational ‘Sunday mass’ components, April’s emphasis will be Peaceful Sleep. We’ll do a walk-through of the new sigils, with their pronunciation, by Rogier, during which you can draw the sigils if you wish. After this, we’ll stream a [previously unreleased] discourse from the Seer about the global epidemic of sleep deprivation, in which she addresses the various hostile influences that undermine our dreamtime.
Sleeplessness has come from the disruption of frequencies by many invading factors.
The Seer
The Peaceful Sleep Belvaspata should be available for purchase Friday, April 26. It consists of 18 sigil sets, and below you can learn of their purposes. It also comes with a powersigil. This Belvaspata angelic healing does not require initiation to perform on yourself. You don’t strictly speaking need to purchase the Belvaspata protocol to participate in the event, but having its printout handy could be more practical.
Note: this protocol combines great with the Angel of the Nightwatch alchemical oil, and the EMF protection t-shirt.
I had initially said there would be a group angelic healing during this event, because we mistakenly thought that the upcoming lightfamily gathering could meet the requirement for sufficient homogenization, but that’s not the case. Belvaspata is, in this scenario, “not able to maintain its potency when done for a large group”, says the Seer.
The Sigils for Peaceful Sleep
- Mindfulness of deep, rhythmic breathing
- Removing everyday stressors through cultivating the eternal perspective.
- Recapitulation of daily experiences to cleanse the mind
- The excretion of hormones that promote wellbeing
- Self-generating the full spectrum of nutrients
- Being surrounded by the ever-present shield against hostile waveforms
- For the removal of hereditary flight or flight syndrome
- For the removal of hereditary warlike tendencies
- For the perpetual maintenance of an impervious shield against hostile actions
- For the release of muscular tension due to resistance
- For the constant presence of surrendered trust
- For the living in eternal time
- The self-production of nutrition as needed
- Repelling white noise through the expression of joy
- For the release of resistance to life unfolding
- For the release of dependency on external sleep aids
- The removal of the cellular matrix of linear time
- The deep release of the tension of linear time and the bliss of eternal time’s restoration
The Seer
The Gift of Deep Sleep
Register now→
Sunday, April 28, at 9 AM Pacific
Thank you for these wonderful sigils for The Belvaspata for Peaceful Sleep. I have been looking forward to being on line with everyone to do this together. I have purchased this item and looking forward to utilizing it.
Okay so where is the Sleep BVP available now? Thank you Rogier.
Super duper!!
Thank you!! This is much needed for myself and by proxy for others. So thankful for Jan Alvey to do the new BVP for us!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You 💖
Hi. Thanks for the information. Will the protocol be available separately for purchase?
I reread the post and saw the answer.