Beloved Mother,
I am feeling a deep panic in my being since this morning, Rumblings in the Earth like earthquakes, but not… difficulty breathing. I just learned from Tina Your posting on The Diary…
The Seer:
Life on Earth is at a crossroads. The godbeings on Earth either stand in their mastery or they shake in fear. Master your fear, Dear One. Breathe deeply and with every out breath, breathe your fear out the bottom of your feet. Imagine that the sole of each foot has a little mouth that breathes the fear put down into the Earth. Stand strong, my Beloved Ones; we are standing strong together.
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
Amen to that Joanne.
I stand strong in surrendered trust and welcome the miracles.
Joanne Harding says
Miracles abound xxx
Jana says
I am wondering if in this case when we do the Kaanish Belvaspata, do we do it only for USA or as Seer Almine has recommended a while ago, to do the Kaanish Belvaspata for both sides of conflicting forces?
Seer’s notes:
Belvaspata practitioners often make the mistake of doing Belvaspata only for one side of their choice in a conflicting situation, but Belvaspata resolves conflict by undoing that which is out of harmony with the perfection of the universe, as well as strengthening that which is harmonious.
For example doing Kaanish Belvaspata:
In the stillness of mind and heart, do Kaanish Belvaspata daily for both sides of conflicting forces. It will protect the innocent and undo the hostile intent of the aggressors.
Sarah says
I have been feeling this as well, Ive also caught some virus so I wasnt sure if I was just not handling being sick very well… could be a combination of both but I have definitely been feeling deep seeded panic that is persistently appearing again and again after self calming. I will try to be just as persistent in dismantling it ❤️
Dhani says
No wonder I have had trouble sleeping the past few nights.
Dhani says
YES, together we stand strong. Thank you Almine.
Arturo Leo Ceja says
Please Tell Almine And The Group That I Said “I LOVE THEM & CHERISH THEIR ABILITIES TO CREATE POSITIVE IMPACTS.” Hallelujah Hallelujah Amazing Grace Upon All Life!!
Gio says
I’m choosing love yes! And yes, I am in a terrible panic, I don’t know where it comes from, I already have my shungite with me and I feel strange with it, with peaks of intense joy and peaks of great fear.
I want to buy an air purifier and I’m going to print as many sigils as I can and I’m also protecting the house.
Joanne Harding says
I choose love xxx Together we make miracles happen xxx