Regarding your post about Newspeak, in certain cases, it almost feels like reading a foreign language even though I recognize the language as English. There is just not much conveying of any (or much) in-depth information. This even occurs in so-called ‘reputable sources’ like big city newspapers, magazines, etc. I’m also noticing that a lot of repeating goes on, maybe one concept is repeated 2 or 3 times in a brief article. I’ve also started to see a ‘disclaimer’ at the end of the article stating the article content was enhanced by AI. Can you comment on this?
The Seer:
I think one of the reasons why AI-generated articles feels confusing, is due to the use of unspecified pronouns (eg. ‘it’ feels like a foreign language). The AI may be able to bridge the gap of unspecified references, but humans and gods take abstractions into consideration and need to have more specificity as to what the speaker really means if any depth of information is to be exchanged.
To add to the situation, there are sites you can copy an ai generated article into and that site will ‘humanize’ the content so that it’s not detected by the ‘AI police’, which some websites are using as a preventative measure to spot ai content.
Thankyou Almine for this and Rogier for posting.
I spoke with a computer scientist getting his masters today…
A. I. The hot topic of conversation…
He said it’s so vast its hard to keep up and also scary.. They are really emphasizing the use of A.I. in the medical industry.
You know as I was cutting his hair I could feel outer space off world from this individual, picking up on futuristic as in he did not feel human to Me .( vision of him in a beige one piece top half all beige then asymmertical angle changed to black.
He felt to Me To representing a specific aspect from the future ( being fluid with this)
I noted he had a tiny earring that was a mini solar system on the left.
So my feeling and I do not presume to know anything was he looked human but was not and was there fake humility in the feminine of the masculine cosmos..re fake cosmos ??
Much Love
I know this possibly doesn’t make any sense…