Belvaspata Questions
Regarding Almine’s recent post on how Belvaspata for groups is not permitted, a number of us are wondering please if we can clarify precisely the way that we are to perform the work, for instance in relation to groups of children in war-torn countries, that we have recently been asked to do Kaanish for by Almine herself?*
I’m assuming that it’s simply some nuance was not spelled out in that post, rather than that it is no longer ok for us to perform this work at all.
Is it therefore that we are to do the work for children with ourselves as the proxy and the intent to benefit the children, rather than working on “the group” of children per se? (which is the way that many of us have done it all along)
Or was it perhaps the distinction between a session and a blessing – where group work is a blessing only as was previously outlined – that was being referred to here?
Use Your Common Sense
The Seer:
Please use your common sense if I am not available to answer questions. Run the chain of events out to the end.
For instance, you want to record a Belvaspata session for group healings, which you tell the participants will be an effective way for them to heal. Can’t you see where this will lead (or mislead)? Practitioners everywhere could gather all people requesting healings into one room and hypothetically charge them all and then just play a recording as a shortcut.
Or this could go even further: Why bother to gather them in one room at all? It’s just a shortcut, after all.
- A nation, a demographic group, a group of children going through the same traumatizing experience, represent a homogenized group that the BVP (Belvaspata) practitioner can treat as a unit. Yes, they’re a group and yes, you can do BVP on the unit, particularly since they are in dire distress and can neither pay you, nor ask for your compassionate assistance.
- An example of a group that cannot be treated as a unit: When you have a group of disparate people, that is not a homogenized group. They do not all have the same issues they would like addressed. (Susie may have a sore toe, Joe Blow may have a birth defect, Johnny may have a chronic cough.) Obviously, treating them as a unit is not going to work.
Again, use your common sense. How could you possibly join your vastness with their vastness in a unified field, when the various individual needs and purposes for seeking your help pull your awareness in all directions?

Borders May Close
Another matter: In the future national borders may close; travel may become difficult for several reasons. Therefore it was necessary for Belvaspata to become available for long-distance healing and initiation (this was at variance with previously acceptable norms). But as for a recording being a substitute for a Belvaspata practitioner’s personal hands-on involvement, I don’t foresee that ever being an acceptable change.
Seer’s Notes:
The larger the homogenized group that you’re doing the BVP for, the larger the unit you are rendering this compassionate service to, the less effective the healing could be. To compensate for such a possible reduction in effectiveness, use one of the following suggestions:
- Do daily repetitions of the BVP you do for them.
- Divide the larger group / unit into smaller groups. For example, let’s say you are doing BVP for the people in the Ukraine. A good way to start would be to do the BVP for our very dedicated Lightfamily in that country, since they are archetypes for the rest of the country. Then perhaps do a healing for families hiding in sewers and underground spaces for many months now. Do a healing for families with sons and daughters in battle.)
- The force of a BVP healing for a nation or country, can be more focused by doing it over a powersigil for that country, if you have access to one, or an image of their national flag or a map of their country as a representation of the homogenized unit that is that country’s nation.
The Seer
- Related: To Help Maintain the Purity of This Most Sacred Gift and Belvaspata Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Thank you very much for the clarification!
Thank you so very much for the response.
It seems that the original post may have been something of a reaction to those who unfortunately do “take the p*ss” a little bit with this work, whereas that is not the case for a great many more of us.
Grateful to hear that we may continue in the way that feels right, sensible, logical, correct on all levels – and, that we are trusted to be intelligent enough to figure this sort of thing out of our own accord.
Very grateful Beloved Almine for this information.
I too am grateful for the clarification. Thank you, Beloved Almine.
Thank you dearest Almine. 🙏💖
Thank you for this explanation. This what I envisioned. Very helpful to see it all put together so succinctly and precisely here.