Why do the trees and plants here in the Yucatán feel angry and hostile?
The Seer:
Plants are empathically connected to those who have lived in their location, among them, for generations. The Mayans who lived in the Yucatán left back to where their ancestors had come from: the planet Maya that circles as a distant planet around Alcyone, a sun in the Pleiades. This left the area devoid of human life that would dwell among them with inclusive cooperation. Hostile and bloodthirsty tribes that had lived in the surrounding area, moved in and exploited the land, defiling it with black magic and bloodshed. Later, strangers from the land of Bhutan were transplanted there and eventually intermarried with the surrounding tribes to become today’s inhabitants.* The plants are not in harmony with them.
How were the people transplanted? Were their memories wiped?
The Seer:
The Bhutan inhabitants were physically transported to the Yucatán; beamed up onto a spacecraft and surrounded by a hologram, they didn’t even know it. Memories don’t need to be erased if one maintains the hologram of their previous environment. If there had been Original Ones among them, the switch possibly would have been prevented. That’s the blessing of Original Ones living in different areas.
- By malicious aliens in collaboration with the secret government; a holographic experiment.
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oh boy….. and what’s the purpose of the grand illusion and transplantation of the Bhutanese?