From: Gateway to the Magical Life
I approach the newborn moment with the full awareness of adventurous discovery.
The Seer
Breath five. I approach the newborn moment with the full awareness of adventurous discovery. A tremendous truth lies behind these words. The spirit of adventure is the quality that was dormant within us, creating externalized antagonistic spirit. The spirit within is at one with the soul and the body in full expression. It has two levels. The feminine frequency level of spirit has as its quality the eternal perspective. It sees no future, no past, no present. It simply sees an eternal moment fluidly flowing.
The masculine spirit has as its quality the spirit of adventure and adventurous discovery. It was to my great surprise that I found that that resonance in the cosmos was almost non-existent. Why? Because it was non-existent within us. We misunderstood what adventure meant. Those few who still retained it didn't understand. But many had lost the sense of adventure because of duty and the grindstone of responsibility and work and survival. And so it is that to bring back the full expression of the qualities that create a spiritual expression within so that a hostile spirit without does not run our lives, we need to reawaken the knowledge and living of adventurous discovery.
Why is it that it would have died? Well, the first reason is that adventure can only exist when we trust that life is benevolent and good and the new will be safe. This comes either through complete trusting surrender or by seeing behind the appearances the supportiveness of life, the perfection of our eternal expression. We can never be destroyed. With the destruction of one part of the whole, like a thread removed from a spiderweb, it is no longer in oneness. It is not only our fear of the future, our lack of trust and belief that life can be good even though it is unknown, that has stifled adventure. For indeed, adventure is the search to make the unknown the known, but it is also the result of a self-defeating perception we have about adventurous discovery.
The moment is all we have, and if we do not find our adventure there, we do not find it at all.
If I ask most of you what adventures you would like to have, you talk about the future. What is in the future? What you would like to do someday, that's a grand adventure, but seldom is adventure seen as the quality of the moment. When any attitude is not lived by us in the moment, it is not lived. The moment is all we have, and if we do not find our adventure there, we do not find it at all. The question is not what high mountain you wish to climb, what big achievement you wish to make, where you wish to travel across the oceans of the world. The question is now, what is the adventure? You may be hearing my voice, sitting with a comfortable robe and slippers in front of your television, drinking a cup of hot chocolate, where is the adventure in that? It is time for us to redefine adventurous discovery.
The answer actually lies in the first part of that sentence: I approach the newborn moment with the full awareness. You are sitting in your chair. Everything seems familiar. But is it? Can you hear the song of the hot chocolate you are drinking in your cells? Can you pick up the clouds of belief systems that hang around it? A long time ago, only the royalty of Europe could drink hot chocolate imported from the Americas by the conquistadores, the discoverers. Now it's as easy as reaching for your cupboard. But what is it they first tasted when they drank this silky liquid that slides over your tongue? Consider how it is associated with comfort, with that which tells you you are home. It celebrates roots. Taste it again. Feel the song that it sings through your cells.
You are wearing a robe and slippers. What does this really tell you about the moment? Native Americans, when they are about to do a sacred ceremony, burn sweetgrass. It creates a holy space to do the ceremony in, and it signals their allies, the spirits, that a sacred time is at hand. They wish to speak to them, or they may want to be present for this. You are signaling the universe that a sacred time is at hand. Not just any sacred time, but the coming home to yourself. High has the eagle flown through this day. Far has he traveled. Now he comes back to his nest, high up in the cliffs, to sit in the moonlight. He is home. This is the meaning of a simple act of placing slippers on your feet. Experience with newness the moment, and it is there that adventure shall be discovered.
marli says
Fascinating! Specially now, since some of us are
approaching the Autumn Season!
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you Rogier and Beloved Almine for releasing these MP3's.
ᛞᚨᚠᛖ ᛈᛁᚾᛖ says
Perfect timing as always.
Thank you… very reassuring for me. 🙏🏻
Sarah Lloyd says
This is really awesome, Thank You ❤️
Lena says
Profound beauty and insight that moved me to tears.
Dhani Nallainathan says
Well, well, looks like it's time for me to listen to this now. Although I have done the Arasatma breath work many times I have not listened to these mp3 files. Got them now. Thank you Rogier.
Derek says
I personally agree that man is at his best when he's turning the known into the unknown. In the face of the unknown, man is adventurous. It
is a quality of the unknown to give man a sense of hope and happiness. Man feels robust,
exhilarated. Even the apprehension that it arouses is very fulfilling. I also agree that the unfathomable is not for man. The unfathomable is indescribable, the unthinkable, the unrealizable. In the face of the unfathomable a terrible oppression takes possession of Man. Their bodies lose tone, their reasoning and sobriety wander away aimlessly, for the unfathomable has no energizing effects whatsoever. It is not within human reach. and yet it is there, dazzling and at the
same time horrifying in its vastness.