Are painkillers so damaging because cellular mind is ‘the gut’, AKA ‘the second brain’, and located somewhere in the stomach, the lining of which gets ravaged by painkillers?
The Seer:
That’s only part of it. Effortless knowing comes from cellular mind and that means every cell. The anesthetics currently used don’t dull or eliminate the pain, they just have the cognitive mind forget the pain. But the cells remember and that traumatizes the whole body. This has now even been incorporated in over-the-counter painkillers to a smaller degree.
Annita says
One of the natural painkillers is the bark of the weeping willow. You are supposed to chew on a small piece of bark to relieve your pain. It is best to harvest the bark in the spring.
Richard P says
How about aspirin? I know it came from the willow tree and the Sumerians were using it 6,000 years ago, but it started being synthesized in the last couple hundred years – and who knows wat’s going on with it now. Is it still worthy or do we have to go find our own willow tree and chew on the leaves if need be? π
Sarah says
During one of my pregnancies my kidney was all scrunched up really bad (there’s a word for it), the recommended procedure was something to do with my bladder (I don’t remember the logic for it, it’s a blur) but usually they would do the spinal thing to numb everything below but I previously had really bad issues from an epidurl from a previous pregnancy, and opted to be fully put under instead. I woke up in intense turmoil, as I regained conciousness I had already been absolutely bawling my face off uncontrollably in what seemed like agony and all the people in the room (which weren’t very friendly to begin with) were looking at me like I was absolutely nuts and I felt really bad for being so out of control emotional so I eventually muttered out that I have trauma and that I thought it was that. Still unsettling, both posts about this I’ve had flashbacks, I’m still not entirely sure what exactly was happening, but it seemed pretty awful.
Derek says
In order to heal does the cellular trauma need to be cellularly remembered and recapitulated? Is cellular minds grid a compensatory system? Are the original ones processing the cellular trauma of others in their own bodies cells?
Dhani Nallainathan says
Okay, thank you.
Sabine says
So, what can we do now if we – for example – have to undergo surgery like my husband does next month? He will definitely be using painkillers for at least two days. I would like to help him / his body to get through this as smooth as possible.
Rogier says
The damage control (juicing, etc.) that was spoken of in the previous post.
Sabine says
Actually I am looking for something to do in preparation of the surgery. For example. – when I perform healing work on people before their surgery, they recover much faster and have less side effects from the anesthesia. Maybe something can be done in order to minimize the trauma on the cells.
Barbara Kathryn says
What popped into my head as part of a preparation is Belvaspata Song of the Self. And two of Almine’s PowerSigios: for ‘Full Recovery of Health’ and for ‘Removing Programs from the Cells’.
There are probably other choices too. I just chose these recently for a cousin who was given a blood transfusion. Which I learned about a few days afterwards.
May all be well π«
Sabine says
Thank you! The Song of the Self sounds like a good idea.