I learned of immaculate conception from Almine’s books. It explained to me that I wasn’t crazy, that what happened to me made sense. I beg of you to highlight the path of my search and help my heart and mind understand. Why was the whole process truly physically experienced? Why did this happen to me? What should I do next?
The Seer:
From my personal experience with my son I learnt the following:
- The gestation period of an immaculately conceived baby, is 10 to 10½ months.
- Immediately after being born, the baby behaved like a month-old baby — he could focus his eyes and his little finger nails were longer than a newborn’s. At birth, he was two pounds heavier than my other normally conceived children. He ate substantially more than newborns generally would.
- He remained intellectually advanced of his peers all the way through his school years. He has above average intelligence.
- He has a profound ability to empathically feel what others are feeling — this overwhelming stream of inpouring information when around others, makes it very necessary to give him lots of solitude and silence so that he can determine what are his feelings and what feelings belong to others.
- He has had an intense desire to learn about his environment and even as a baby, he seemed fully awake and seemed to be observing his environment with great interest.
Conclusion of my personal experience:
Even though he didn’t have a biological father, he’s worked really hard at being accepted by my then husband. Things humans take for granted, make no sense to him. For instance: competitiveness. It doesn’t make sense to him that triumph should come at the expense of others losing.
Be careful not to let the mind of an immaculate baby by programmed (polluted) by television and other media. Keep his homelife a sanctuary away from human insanity.
What I observed from two immaculate babies conceived by goddesses in my retreats:
- From the perspective of a baby deciding who’s womb he wants to enter: the womb of a goddess is filled with light and the womb of a lesser developed, human mother, seems dark.
- In the case of the prospective mother (and myself) of an immaculate child, the child communicated with the mother before birth.
Incredible! Thank you for sharing this beautiful news with us. May we wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy with peace in your heart. May I wish the baby full development as a God Being. With love and happy thoughts to you dear one. Enjoy this miracle.
I have no recall of any of the immaculately conceived babies I am familiar with being female. They are all males. Is this true and why?
Absolutely beautiful Almine…what a privilege
Beloved Almine, that was beautiful . Sunshine in my morning. thank you.