We received a question about the meaning of, “The Milky Way”, and whether this relates to the symbolic meaning of milk? And what does the Milky Way have to do with the soul realm, considering that in many spiritual traditions (Hindu, Native American, Ancient Egyptian, etc.) it’s thought to be connected to the afterlife?
The Seer:
According to the Angelgods, galaxies are created the following way. One being, or a group of beings — like the Original Ones on Earth — achieve such a strong light, that lesser lights (like beings from the devic kingdom) are attracted to them — creating a bigger and bigger mass of light. Finally, the light is so strong that the respective reality cannot contain it. It bursts through to a higher reality in the form of a big bang. In this way, a single being or cluster of beings can raise an entire universe into a higher reality. Where life bursts through into a new reality, a galaxy forms around the big bang epicenter. This is also how our Milky Way formed.
Only one tenth of the night sky is visible to our limited vision. If a mystic or shaman gets a glimpse of even a part of the other nine tenths, it would seem utterly magnificent in its splendor (i.e. a magical apparition). I’s not incomprehensible that it has inspired many mystical legends and fables. Inspiring, but not factual.
Seer’s Note:
The star races call the Milky Way, Iridanus and the Earth, Iridana.
The Seer
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Dhani says
WOW!! Love this perspective! Soooooo magical!
Vanessa says
Wow,…Thankyou for sharing this profound informtion!
And to the previous who asked 🙂