Twenty-four insights there are that dissolve the protective mechanism of the Menerech.βΆ
The Seer
The Sacred Life (1-8)
- Restore the song to the joyless places in life by appreciative acknowledgement of the holiness that hides behind the appearances. Once that is done, you may move on if you wish.
- The sacred life does not engage in speech or actions without full consciousness.
- Unconscious living is the anaesthetic we give ourselves to forget the pain of the illusion of separation.
- One of the greatest weights mankind has carried, is the concept of comparisons. This creates the striving of competitiveness.
- When the heart is unclouded by needs and surrendered in the trust that life is benevolent, the surge of the river of life moving through us will always guide us into the highest choice.
- Living in a rut reduces access to resources. A rut is only a rut because of unawareness.
- If we hear the holy song of all we encounter, everything we touch turns to gold.
- Speak sparingly if you must, but carefully guard your speech patterns. Speech should encompass our highest vision.
Rather than focusing on what must be gone, focus on what must be expressed. Unexpressed authenticity creates unpleasant ghosts of the past by causing them to linger beyond their time.
The Seer
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
βΆSee: The Creation of the Angelic Orders and the Fallen Angels
Previous: Bounce Back to Sender
Next: Scarab Dream Symbolism
Thank You. Very helpful. “Rather than focusing on what must be gone, focus on what must be expressed.” I have focused on what I want to get rid of and also what I want to bring in. Now I will focus on what I want to express in my life now.
Thank you, this adresses a few things I’m experiencing.
“One of the greatest weights mankind has carried, is the concept of comparisons. This creates the striving of competitiveness.”
Question for Almine: what is the root cause of genders, and races sizing up and comparing each other through a standard of comparison and selection. *Vis-a-Vee the selfish gene theory.
*Vis-a-Vee, I’m really trying to understand the comparison that happens between the masculine and feminine? It seems to me that women create comparison, competition, and discernment and division amongst other men. She does this in a selection process to find a worthy mate, or who she wants to give her attention to. She will continue to do this even after she has chosen her mate and compare her mate to others as a standard. The old adage may the best man win, is probably the origin of war. *Vis-a-Vee all things are fair in love and war. I actually think men are less selective, and discerning than women about who they will give their attention to? But still, A man will compare and measure up a woman, just as much as a woman will compare and measure up a man.
ARRR! “Take what you can, give nothing back!” You probably knew that it is considered unlucky to have a woman on board a working ship of men, this is because it angers the sea and can cause the ship much peril. But, did you know that it is actually considered lucky to have a naked woman on a working ship. It’s interesting that when she is naked she calms the sea. This is why many of the ships have a depiction of a bear breasted woman on their helm, because, it is actually considered lucky to have a naked woman on board a working ship.
Question: what happens when a woman marries the world and all the men and women in it? … And, is this even possible?
*Correction The figurehead is on the bow of the ship, not the helm. But, I don’t think that was a mistake as there are no mistakes.
My answer may sound a bit base, but the only reason for it that I’ve noticed seems to be of a primal nature. Despite mankind considering themselves often above the animal kingdom, I’ve still noticed that people display behaviours animals would. An animal would go for the strongest mate to produce the strongest offspring. Ironically that’s not really what humans are interested in, still they display the behaviour.
I’ve also noticed that it’s a game one stops playing when one lets go of the desire for a relationship. The moment one accepts the natural flow of life and the fact that the Universe will bring into your life whats necessary at any given moment the whole ‘alpha male and female’ game stops. I’ve literally noticed the energy disappate and both men and women look at me differently. The competitive energy disappears, and innocence returns. As long as one party still ‘needs’ something from the other there’s tension in their connection.
LOVED β€οΈ “As long as one party still ‘needs’ something from the other there’s tension in their connection.”
Thank you. I really appreciate your thoughts. It helps me boil down my question to something real and concrete in my life. My question now is… …how does one dissolve an addiction to tension in one’s life? I seem to flip flop between extreme tension and extreme expansion. The entire focus of my day is about tuning my tension to find that sweet spot where I’m extremely tuned into physical contractedness, but also it’s extremely addictive. Maybe, it’s just trusting that the universe will provide the tension I need at any given moment and I don’t have to go looking for it? Anyone, know if Almine has any principles or material on overcoming an addiction to tension and contractedness? It’s so easy for me to go into expansion. I have to work so hard to contract my energy to be able to physically function in the experience I want to have. Perhaps, it’s about trusting what my energy wants to do, instead of trying to control my energy?
My answer may or may not help, it’s pretty simple compared to the vast information that Almine would have available (and my brain doesn’t seem to be able to reference stuff like that until it randomly decides to) so it’s more of a personal point… which seems to be most of what I can give people to try and help… I believe you have a more extreme version of the experiences I’ve had, but I did have extreme back and forth between contracted and it caused many issues. For myself personally, there was a couple things that I realized. I wasn’t expressing areas of myself fully, and I was resisting life in areas. I had learned to withdrawal from certain areas of myself and life due to certain experiences. When I was able to express fully in the moment without resisting life, I was able to maintain a much better balance. Like a deeper dive into surrendered trust. I also realized I had to deal with my inner sub personalities better, as I was used to being quite harsh to get through tough things, and I had to relearn how to care properly for myself inside (and out, but that involved a lot more). I needed to restore myself and maintain it (as I’m highly sensitive). All of that together I noticed a HUGE difference. Of course this is just personal experiences and somebody might have a more helpful answer but hopefully it helps in some way! β€οΈ
Oh and the fragrance alchemy oils really helped too! Oh and the sound healing for the meridians!! That’s where I started with the healing side of things – the meridian sound healing… it was kinda uncomfortable though, so I had to use other things combined to help soothe and get through it and then I had to examine what was left and work on that with myself. I just kinda went all over the place until I had a firmer stance.
Oh this is so wonderful!! Gratitude!
So beautiful. Thank you Rogier.
Thank you for this, Rogier.
Blimey, mate! We were nearly cleaved to the brisket and dancing with Jack Ketch. But, bless me black heart she’s laid a cackle fruit and given the old salts the keys to Davy Jones’ locker! All hands hoay, prepare the hoist anchor.
πππ π ποΈ
Thank you ππΌ
Deep Gratitude for this !