I have joined various prayer and discussion groups over the years and have experienced as many rejections by those groups. I’d love to understand why? Is it because they are human and I am not?
The Seer:
The destiny of the Godbeings among men, is to safeguard their original home — the Earth — by living by proxy magic; to be the sacred guardian and government of the Earth (i.e. sacred government through self government).
To be a proxy for a larger group entails two principles at work:
- To change within what you wish to see without.
- To personally experience what you wish to prevent the planet and its lifeforms from having to experience.
The scenarios you are describing in your question – the rejection by groups that you join – falls in the second category of proxy living: personally experiencing what you wish to avoid having the planet to experience.
In the transmissions of the unicorns (see the booklet, The Gift of the Unicorns), they tell the tale of the most ancient journey of the Earth through the universe and how she ended up in this solar system.✶ She was forcefully expelled by several star systems until she ended up in this solar system. This could potentially happen again. She could again be rejected from this solar system and such a forceful and explosive expulsion would wipe out all life on her surface (and most life in the hollow Earth). That is why the Holy Ones endure the rejection by groups as a proxy, so that the Earth doesn’t get rejected by the other planets instead.
Seer’s Note #1
The benefit of being rejected by the tribe, is that a Holy One doesn’t get assimilated by the tribe’s mediocrity. To be Holy is by definition that which is more evolved and advanced than the average norm.
Here is the reason why the Earth keeps getting expelled from solar systems: objects of opposite matter reject each other. The Earth is far holier than other planets because it is the abode of the godbeings and the sacred garden of the Embodiment of the Infinite.
Seer’s Note #2
Occasionally cosmic polarity switches and opposite poles of matter attract. Then, for a while, the Earth is attracted into a solar system. But eventually it switches back again to opposite matter repelling – we are currently in that phase of polarity – and then the rejection of the Earth in the midst of other planets, slowly increases.
There are no unimportant events in the holy lives of gods among men. Be at peace in the face of rejection by others. All is exactly as it should be for you to live the majesty of your godhood.
The Seer
✶See: The Tiamat Transmissions on this website
Beloved Almine, thank you for all you continue to share to uplift us and prop us up when the path becomes increasingly more challenging as we are faced with the constant unknowability of the Cosmos. I love you.
Immense love and gratitude to you for your enduring love and guidance.
In recent months I’ve though this concept is what I’ve been seeing as myself failing for years. My husband, multiple children and myself are all God beings, but the chaos that occurs seems to contradict the way of life that seems to be the way a God being should be. All I’ve done is strive to try and do what I thought I was supposed to be doing, and try harder and harder and all that would occur was more chaos. I thought something was wrong with me, like somehow I was “bad” and only accomplishing “bad” even though everything was done from intentions filled with so much love and “good”, which I know now there really isnt good or bad but at first it was quite conflicting. No matter what tools I used and what inner issues we all delt with, it seemed to be never ending and we just always seemed to be a wreck, and with me being the one who’s supposed to keep the house together in a peaceful God like home – I assumed I was just failing miserably inevitably. Now I’ve realized, all that matters is the process. Something I see as chaos: I try to figure it out the best I can or sense what part I play in another sorting it out and move forward, and I’ve just learned to be as pationately authentic as possible, even if it means I’m temporarily a wreck as I figure something out. Each thing I figure out, is like I’ve solved a little more of the puzzle out of what seems like insanity. I’ve realized the chaos our household experiences could just be the fact that there’s so many godbeings having so many experiences and overcoming so many different things at once. The more we overcome independently and together through our relationships with each other, HOPEFULLY the more we are beneficial to all life. Which would actually be a lot of success instead of a lot of failure. I’ve just learned, so what? I’m a wreck, we’re a wreck, and it’s beautiful because we are just being us and working together to continously try to create a more refined beauty in our lives. What matters is the process of us interacting with life and trying to sort out the chaos. I’m so grateful for the chaos we get to overcome. I’m so grateful every time I reflect and adjust a perception that was causing pain and reveal something so beautiful underneath and I’m even more grateful for when I get to witness my husband or one of my children doing the same. I don’t know if we will ever be that way that seems to be the way “a God being should be”, but I’m so grateful for where we are, and we’re certainly doing what God beings are supposed to be here doing 🤷♀️❤️❤️❤️
As an additional note, I realize this post is about rejection, when I say “chaos”, I should clarify I mean any difficult situation that could seem unpleasant. So the chaos for our home could be direct situations infront of us, emotionally or mentally tough situations or stuff within ourselves or the relationships between our family members, or situations related to others outside of our family which includes the examples of rejection.
Sarah, I deeply appreciate your post. It articulates so brilliantly my ongoing experience.
So much gratitude to you for sharing.
Sarah, I am deeply grateful for your post. You’ve brilliantly articulated my experience as a God Being.
Thank you for sharing this.
Abundant blessings to you and your family.
how did you know your whole family are godbeings— rather how does anyone know that anyone is else is a godbeing on this site just curious
Good to know. This is very helpful. Gratitude to all.
May we find enduring peace in our hearts and lives..
“This could potentially happen again. She could again be rejected from this solar system and such a forceful and explosive expulsion would wipe out all life on her surface (and most life in the hollow Earth). That is why the Holy Ones endure the rejection by groups as a proxy, so that the Earth doesn’t get rejected by the other planets instead” I knew it had “something” to do with being a proxy so humanity doesn’t get wiped out for a fifth time. For the last 4 years that is why I thought Almine had to go into seclusion.
A few years ago I had a very beautiful and luminous goddess stay with me in my house for a few months. I was attracted to her beauty, but quickly found the light she exuded most disruptive and unsettling. If I kept her off balance; her light dimmed and I could handle her a bit better. But, when she was in her joy and exuding light in the fullness of her authentic expression; I found her utterly disruptive, and repulsing. I forcefully expelled her from my premises within a few short months.
So profound! I bow in awe at the light of her revelations! If I were to allow myself one regret, which I won’t! But, for the sake of poetic expression I will use the word. It is that she in so glorious embodiment is too holy for me to be in her physical luminous presence. Trusting the perfection, No regrets, just gratitude. ❤️🙏