Related: A Gathering Has Been Called of All the Horse Tribes
From: The Magic of the Horse Tribes (As featured in Book of Spells)
Vrivravat bit hespi, krach statvi ursvra kluhavet
Kelshpa ustra bra vit praunatvravet
Kirech nutvi stel vra bi virestat
Nitva bli-esh prahur. Nin burchra usba stetvi verstat
Pi-ilekvravi stra helesvi brechbra klas vra bi
Rutsa ba ulech heresh vilesba vi
With these words a connection make
With nature – then everywhere you its presence take
As you carry its peace inside
In you its purity constantly abides
But be aware as you carry nature’s presence in you
That while it beneficially affects you, you impact nature too
The Seer

Oh yes makes me cry, will keep these sigill with me as my feet touches the soil of Beloved Mother,and utter those words..Thank you Almine,wish I could have met you in person..yet here we are..Much Love
Thank you for posting this Rogier. So wonderful!