Originally published on Messages for Lightworkers (2016)
Why are the Three Mysteries art pieces called by that name? They’re undeniably mystical, but what are the three mysteries?
The Seer:
They portray events in the life of a mystic. Along the journey of a mystic, three unexplainable mysteries are encountered. Toltec Mystics call these the Riddles of the Heart, Mind and Spirit respectively.
They pertain to the following:
- The unexplainable fact that our entire, substantial reality is assembled by the position of the little ball of light in our fields called the assemblage point. When this ball of light’s position is shifted and the shift maintained, a whole other reality appears and this one goes away.
- The unthinkable fact that every act of an individual shifts and rearranges his entire reality; the power of one individual in manifesting change in his or her environment.
- The fact that we can become impervious to the wear and tear and eventual victory of The Tumbler – the grinding force of the cosmos that causes aging and death; that we may step off the treadmill of birth and rebirth by ceasing to oppose life.
How is an assemblage point shift accomplished and what would it look like if someone in our environment accomplishes this?
The Seer:
Small movements occur all the time in your Assemblage Point. My art is designed to change the way you see your world by creating a slight shift. Meditations and sacred ceremonies can do the same. But a shift large enough to put you in a different reality – it would seem to others in the room that you’ve disappeared – can only be done in a surrendered life in which a complete silence of the internal mind dialogue has been achieved. Toltecs use this technique with intention when in life-threatening situations – movingly in and out of this reality.
Ekaterina Kapotova says
Thank you!
Alex says
I see beings in robes in the first two pieces. 🙂
Dhani says
WOW! These images are powerful clearing tools!
Dhani says
Yep, I recall Almine would disappear sometimes in retreats…..lol!