Closing Prayer
The Ceremony to Remove Repressive Matrices
Esva belenes haranash peresvi ustrahavit suvavech
Esva melenech suveleshvi arastu karunesbavit suheleshvit karunasva usatre
Elech bivatre
Aranu kalesh bivavelechvi hunasut kelebach hunasut
May my life be at one with all that exists
May only that remain which has had no beginning
and shall have no end, that I am
To the One Life the glory forever and ever
Ceremony Update
By popular request the Seer just provided the Infinite's language for the Closing Prayer in the The Ceremony to Remove Repressive Matrices. (The instructions do suggest the component was already in existence, but this was wasn't so — she only received it last night.) Check your ceremony download page to get the updated Instructions PDF, or just the Prayers document.
Q: Can I staple the individual circle stacks?
A: In theory, yes, but the sigils themselves must remain unscathed, which could be a challenge with this ceremony's documents.
Q: Can I laminate each individual stack in its entirety (both the center and circle stacks)?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I do the ceremony by myself, or should I wait for the collective event (whenever that is)?
A: The Seer's ceremonies are always designed as protocols for individual practice. The collective element is optional. A date for the collective event remains to be set, but regardless, when that time comes, the more participants that are conversant with the protocol, the better.
Q: Can I place the center stack behind my belly button instead of the heart chakra?
A: Yes. See: Our World View Enslaves Us
Dhani says
With great GRATITUDE!! Wow, so it took our critical numbers game to bring about the closing prayers in the Infinite's language. Nicely done everyone!!
For the Individual stacks; I cut the pages with space around the figures so that I could clip it together with a paper clip – not touching the drawn figures. Then I placed each stack inside a page protector. This worked well actually. 🙂
Craig says
Yes! To the One Life!