Why do humans act with such unreasonable hostility with prolonged exposure to an Original One?
The Seer:
I have for many years been studying the psyche of humans. Their irascible behavior that they try to hide, but is always there, reveals itself with prolonged, in-person contact with a holy master, because of a change in their brainwave pattern and the flushing of toxins from the liver.
Humans aren’t integrated β the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome β which makes them volatile and unpredictable. Furthermore, the vast majority have codependent relationships. This functions according to the codependent triangle I’ve often spoken of. In leg one of the triangle, they adore you, and in leg two they try to control you (because you “owe” them, because they’ve adored you), and then in leg three they revile you, if you don’t let them control you.
In summary, a holy master flushes out their worst sides that they manage otherwise to keep hidden β most of the time.
Thank you all for this helpful, healthful dialogue. Very relevant in my own life right now.
As Alex has expressed, I wonder what purpose is served by having humans reacting in volatile and unpredictable ways. I can see when anyone goes through a detox process it is unpleasant and uncomfortable, but wouldn’t it be an ultimate benefit to the human to flush out toxins? Thus, I would imagine it would be a relief to be rid of the toxins.
I suspect that a person cannot move past the herx reaction phase if still actively ingesting the toxins. Maybe they experience the herx reaction being reactivated every time they are near an OO.
Yes, but connection between the subsequent relief and the Original One is obscured. Besides, when the liver is stimulated in this way, it releases latent anger stored there, which isn’t necessarily personal.
There are so many answers to give about this subject, and sometimes I wonder if OO’s don’t understand this becaus they’ve grown so far beyond humans.
Do OO’s generally always follow the logical course of action even when it’s right in front of them? Even OO’s resist change up to a certain degree. Humans simply do it to a far greater degree. Our presence, and even their awareness of traits that we portray that they could integrate into themselves are confronting to them. Could you understand that looking into the mirror of a better version of yourself that you’re not embodying could get unpleasing to look at, at some point?
Then there’s the fact that change often gets accompanied with discomfort, which people generally try to avoid at all cost. To humans surrender is not a logical trait. They still live in a fix-mentality. Meaning that anything that doesn’t feel good should be covered with icecream. Trusting and surrendering to both the pleasant and the unpleasant sensations as simply being the next step of life isn’t part of their mindset. Unpleasant sensations are believed to be bad by definition.
To add: Just to respond to what Almine says about human relationships. I’ve also, and for a long time, noticed that its very difficult to be in human relationships as of late. Most human relationships are the equivalent of signing a contract. I.e. I do this for you, you do this for me. The whole notion of freely appearing in ones life at the appropriate time, and then vanishing at the appropriate time doesn’t make them feel like you’re a steady part of their personal identity; that which they value themselves by. It doesn’t give them that sense of safety. A lot of humans ‘need’ something from their relations. It’s not just a simple enjoyement of co-creation, instead it is a co-dependence. The moment they sense they can’t put their hooks into you i.e. can not rely on your energy when they ‘need’ it, you’re simply not worth the trouble.
Thanks all for your insights. This post now makes more sense to me. It’s not just the detox process, but also active resistance of the ego/little ‘self” to surrender to the Infinite.
Thank you for sharing your insights on this and other posts too, Bas.
What are the Original Ones still not expressing that has manifested this behavior in humans?
Will these ceremonies help them integrate whatever it is they are to integrate at this time or in the near future? Sorry. Am I jumping ahead?
There has been so much information given about the darkness that humanity embodies, not to mention their having missed the bus completely, evolutionarily speaking, that I am unsure this is really a question.