The Shield of the Archangels of the Menerech (2011) — The 24 Archangels that guard the shield of fire that separates the angels from the fallen angels.
☆ Translated From the High Hamagda ☆
20. Whenever something authentic is not expressing, something artificial (a sub-created reality) takes its place – like scar tissue that fills a wound. The artificial replacement acts like a mirror: for every action by the real, it causes an opposite reaction. When the genuine feminine externalized its qualities by embodying them as angels, so did the artificial feminine create the fallen angels that produce opposition.
21. Because the artificial feminine has been dominant, so have the fallen angels been. They have kept the 300 archangels that oversee the orders of the true angels, captive. The records indicate the way to set them free so that life can unfold with grace rather than opposition: if we live their qualities, we embody the full and eternally expressing Song of Existence. It is this Song, when fully lived by even one individual, that can shatter the artificial feminine and set life free.
Dictators always produce mediocre realities because they are cut off from the genius of innovative flow. ~The Seer
The High Hamagda (22-24)
☆ Closing ☆
22. That which has become stagnant and has had to be ‘carried’ by the four frequency based cycles – the unused 296 frequency based cycles – must be unlocked and healed. Firstly the membranes between them must be cleansed – they are matrices, based on memories, that have become dictators. Dictators always produce mediocre realities because they are cut off from the genius of innovative flow. The 300 frequency-based cycles of existence must also be cleansed of memories held in the magnetic components, and imprints and “ghosts” of the past held in the electrical components. When all parts are of equal purity and full expression, the membranes can dissolve.
23. The matrices, or membranes between the 300 cycles of life, produce linear time, which corrupts life. The 300 cycles must integrate into a unified field, but the tear that occurred in the 4th cycle, has gone through the other 296 cycles as well. This must first be healed before integration can take place. The tear occurred during the last fall of Atlantis, when a disconnection happened at the base of the skull. The right brain started governing the left side of the body, and the left brain governed the right side. The masculine, the left brain, could not understand the language of the right side, which used to be feminine. The left side used to be masculine, but the right brain (feminine) could not understand its language. To bridge the gaps that developed in communication, 20 instinctual programs developed as a guidance system, forming the matrices between the 300 cycles of life. These must be eliminated in order to bring all 300 tones of existence into a unified field by removing the membranes.
24. The 600 cycles – called the Rainbow Bridge – the loop of existence, was created within the Infinite Being as an instrument that can give expression and definition to a small portion of tones and colors. To do this, it had to produce the illusion that they are separate – 300 feminine, tone-based cycles and 300 masculine, light-based cycles. When we try and define something, we create imagined boundaries for it, cutting it off from its Infinite Source and supply, creating an impoverished existence. Infinite Existence is so much more than the loop we have been traveling, but we forgot that it was only a tool, and not life itself. The time has now come to remember that the masculine and feminine cycles have never been separated, they are indivisibly one. Let their full expression and integration begin with us.
The Seer
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
Interesting we are revisiting this again… I found the Sheild of the Archangels of Manerech last night
Does this somewhat relate to the Ceremony for the repressed matrices ?
Thank you. Very pertinent xx Joanne 🌺