I’m curious as to the dream symbolism of cake?
The Seer:
Cake: face value, superficial appearances, facade.
• Cultivating the appearance of friendliness by smiling a lot.
• Models are often very unhealthy and under-nourished, but are given a facade of health and vitality.
Subtle, deeper meaning:
All levels of life have value. The more superficial levels alleviate the intensity of living from the deep levels only. The superficial actions are windows into the inexpressible depths of the soul.
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Vanessa says
I love this shared insight Almine. Feeling Gratitude for the sharing also Thankyou Rogier 🌈
Dhani says
Oh right, so the roots of those superficial acts have true meaning of self expression. Oh that’s brilliant Almine. Gratitude for these keen insights.