The Interstellar Natures of Man (12/24)
Interstellar Mysticism, 2010
Harsat β The Nature of Addiction to Mind
We fear that if we let our life be run in any other way than mind, that it will be chaotic; that it will be, in fact, a fiasco. It is mind that has created the fiasco… of the matrix; that has created what we think of as our personality, that keeps us bound to the shallowness of life. It is, in fact, mind that has created all these partitions that have caused such untold misery to many, by producing that which is backwards β which is opposition.
Effortless knowingness requires no minds and so, therefore, instinctual mind, heart mind, non-cognitive minds, subconscious mind, cellular mind, all the different minds of man can be completely erased and life will be restored to its perfection.
I’m here to ask the question to all of you who are on this so called path of Self Mastery. Is one of the board members ( a.k.a) seeking other people out for Power, Energy and Control? I’ve Known this person for longer than any of you, they have seeked me out for years. I told them years ago I’m not going with the Original ones but they never accepted it. I have realize for some time how this person just wants to use me for my wisdom, power and energy. There Transmedium abilities to manipulate control other souls to get them to do what they want them to do is out of control, using there transmedium abilities to Enter into animals Like Deer, Dogs, Rabbits ect accept cats they dont like cats. This last week this person was trying to get into my field and couldn’t and got frustrated and entered into deers body and It jumped right infront of my van while going 65 mph and the deer sacraficed its life for this persons beliefs about control, and power. And when your Awareness field opens up to be able to see this person’s true colors your life will change.
Speaking of matrix’s Almine saw a very nasty and highly contagious fungus some time ago. Will this be transcended where 100’s of thousands don’t contract this and die from it?
Yes, so all Mind has to GO!
Loving this ππππ
I can feel it…..