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- Kaanich Savit eshe ehe u va kenevilik stat pelesh pavaa nisetaa
Only from the empty space of fullness that is accessible from the place of no-mind - Bilech vaa nisit ares paa ra rut selevaa sta usanaa
Can you change the illusory manifestations of form - Paara urik eneklesh hers tra haa, ese kle vribak elese nenunish vraktra unit
Only by leaving the tangled web of time do you master space and its manifestations - Kishat arek nisetra pra hut astava ninushat
From the fondnesses of your heart are prison bars born - Kaarch baru nisa peles pirkna esta balukve isetenaa sabuvit enes nasta kla-uve perus
Those things that you deem worthy of esteem, you hold entrapped by your affection
The Seer Almine
Previous: Divine Accomplishment
Next: Mars Fairy
Letting go so these old programs don’t have to hang around longer than they have to. To prevent creating TOO much stagnancy and or karma.
Deep!!! Like the black waters of the Haaraknit. LPGST 🙏❤️
Loving these sacred insights and black waters💖
Loving these sacred insights and black waters💖
I’m trying to find the meditation for it…
WOW!! This is so very helpful. And more to come….