Today, the Seer shares with us this video snapshot as an illustration of the black waters of the Haaraknit. Learn more with the following selections from Messages From the Lemurian Angels:
A Decompression Chamber
To enter the Haaraknit, this you must know
With attachments of the heart, inside you cannot go
Duty and responsibility and wanting to save
Let go all these and the burdens of all that you gave
The Haaraknit has been described as being similar to a decompression chamber used by deep sea divers who have been in the depths of the ocean and must readjust to surface conditions. It is ‘located’ behind the navel, a place of spaceless space and timeless time where one may enter the door of Oneness by truly seeing the Infinite.
The Silent, Moonlight Lake
The black water of the Haaraknit is the silent, moonlit lake we experience when we move our conscious awareness into the body through the navel. There we encounter the timeless, spaceless ‘place’ of effortless re-imagining of our reality. The feeling of at-homeness and contented peace that results from such an encounter is addictive if it is lived at the cost of fully engaging in daily living. When it becomes a state of being accompanying everyday living, it provides peace no matter what we may be meeting as challenges.
Note: The poem Innisfree by W. B. Yeats describes the feeling of the Haaraknit you carry with you wherever you go.

The Place of Re-Imagining Our Reality
The outer space and inner space of our realities are bridged by the spaceless Haaraknit. Imagine two overlapping ovals. One oval consists of white light (conscious experience) and the other of black light (sub-conscious experience). White light and black light overlap in the middle, the vesica piscis section, cancelling one another out. Light, white or black is accessed and stored information, keeping form and situations in place. The reason the black waters of the Haaraknit are called the place of re-imagining our reality, is that we are able to use it as a tool to reshape painful opposition into graceful unfoldment of circumstances.
The Seer Almine
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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WOW! This is amazing!! Immense gratitude!
Almine stated a few months back that humans can use ALL colors of the light explosion protocol. I am wondering what energetic changes have happened to humans that would now allow that to happen?
I think there is a meditation that goes with this?
This Is Beautiful 😌 thank you Rogier AND Beloved Almine.