I have just had an extraordinary adventure discovering an enormous and majestic Cedar tree (with a Spruce tree growing out of it. It has no top per se (cut off during a war a hundred years ago, I was told), and there is an entrance like a cave into the hollowed center. There were three ladders inside (two of the same size and the other slightly taller) — it feels significant as well. Is there a message it might have for us?
The Seer:
This is indeed a special tree.✶ It’s called The Prophecy Tree. Its message is something I never thought I would hear!
The Prophecy
“This day life for man has changed, and the messages I give are for the far distant future”. Then he says, “for I am very old”.
“I tell you this day that man as a purebred race has lost the right to survive. Great has been the arrogance of humanity because they are the firstborn race. Their importance as the root race has been overvalued by all — like the old aristocracy of Europe and Britain, they believed they were entitled to special consideration. But there shall be no more privilege from birth, but by intrinsic value alone. Thus in the far distant future† a hybrid race of the human specie — genetically interbred with an alien race or the offspring of the gods among men — shall take the place of humanity as the primary specie on earth. For thus it was decreed this day, and thus you were lead here to receive my message.”
The Seer Almine
✶Seer’s note: The photo indicates two dimensions at once. The tree is interdimensional.
†Seer’s note: I estimate about three thousand years into the future.
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What a Magnificent Looking Tree!
Thank all for sharing your insights.
Thank you Karen, Almine and Rogier for bringing the above to light. In the Part Seven recently (May 10, 2022) of the Secret Ancient History of Mankind Almine states that the current expression of Humanity consists of contributions of 68 Star Races – does all of the above Prophecy simply boil down to “those who choose to embrace Wholesomeness/living meritorious lives – will survive? …. and can Almine confirm that there will still be a “Night of Lights” in the future where those that are able, will be transfigured via rapture into Homo Admiribilis?’
Many thanks, LPGTH
I asked and this new species is not ‘Homo admirabilis’. (We left the ‘Night of the Lights’ timeline some years ago.) As for survival, in the short term it’s a choice for wholesomeness for human individuals, but in the long term the current purebred iteration of the race will be gone — as if the point of no return has been crossed. (If I understand the question.)
Woah… Thankyou Rogier deep Gratitude 💖
Thank you sincerely for responding to my question, Rogier – and for obtaining further clarification. LPGTH
Okay so what happens from here to 3000 years from now?
Are there still going to be stages, like age of scientists and then age of artists and philosophers?
If there won’t be a massive enlightenment/Night of Lights, what will happen? When I first learned about this through Almine it left me so hopeful.
Now what?
Is this hybrid race homo admirabilis?
Good question
Thankyou for sharing this message….
How profound!
Oh Karen Thankyou for this sacred photo!!
Alright, still three thousand years to go. 😁
WOW! A lot to consider here. Thank you lovely Karen. Thank you for this message Almine. And thank you Mr. Prophecy Tree! So glad you are there for all of us
Well…Isn’t this an interesting turn of events :).
Whoa – what??? This seems to me as a big change in direction from what I thought was the destiny of mankind. How do the Principles of Hope fit in with this?
Right? Everything must be changing at such a rate it’s almost as if it changes right after it’s concluded.
Aside from the Tree being a different source than the Wheels of Hope, what specifically contradicts?
So Rogier, does this mean an even bigger purging?
So if Humanity is interbred genetically with an alien race then would this not be incestuous?
Just curious Ré. Humanity as the root race.
Wasn’t it in the online course ” Messages from Mars”or from the future? not sure if this is correct but there was some kind of aggrovated incest Ré Humanity and the star races, hence distortion… We were/are on the 5th wave of Humanity, my understanding was with animal DNA.
How would mixing Humanities DNA and an alien races DNA be different this time and which alien race that is ally to the Infinite and the planet Earth would be chosen to do this?
What qualities would be presented in their DNA that would bring blessings to the one and the many?
This is all hypothetical of course because we don’t know if it will be off spring of OOs instead, which would lead Me to feel a huge purging at Hand.
Again I say this without presuming to know anything. 💖
P. S. Has massive nightmare 2 nights ago about aliens OOs and aliens harvesting OOs DNA.
There is more to it but would rather not say x
It sounds like you should send your dream to Tina. Who knows what the meaning of it is.
If that’s “incestuous”, then everything since Adam is. I don’t think the point of the hybridization is about saving, or how beneficial this alien influence would be, but it simply being a turn of events that is a natural consequence of time having run out for the purebred version of the human race.
Ok Thanks for sharing your perspective on it Rogier 😊
I remember Almine talking about ET’s and humans inbreading was like incest. She used the term “Incest” Did I misunderstand what she was saying several years ago? I must have.
Hi Rogier – I am assuming you asking me the question as I mentioned Fields of Hope. I am not saying the prophecy contradicts. In the Seer’s notes on Wheel #20 it says the destiny of mankind is to be the custodian of Nature on Earth. Which could mean the the hybrid race. I thought the encouraging words from the Messages of Wheel #20 are for mankind as it is now. A lot must have changed from the Infinite as it says in the Messages Wheel #20 “The seed of greatness becomes inactive in hybirds because it can only be watered into fruition through the release of pheromones that only man can produce.” Also that mankind’s DNA has been manipulated. This is why I feel that a change in direction must have occured.
An important question, since we are to be integrating them in hopes of a positive outcome by 27 July…