The Seer:
Water as a resource could become globally very scarce in the year to come, as it did in South Africa and Brazil last year. Because the issue of water scarcity is also foreseen by those who have wanted, through hardship, to decrease the population and increase their control, certain brands of bottled water (this could escalate to include all brands of bottled water) have been ‘tampered’ with.✶
Spanish scientists have demonstrated how graphene nano particles have been added to bottled water. This would increase certain disease factors during the coming years — to name the least hostile effect this is aimed to produce. It would be a good idea to break the addiction to store-bought bottled water as our only, and most healthy, water source. Graphene acts as a receptor for information. In other words, it can be used to convey externally imposed programs to the host.
By all means, prepare yourself with good water filters that remove fluoride and chlorine from your tap water, and boil questionable water. Find a good water distiller you can use on a fire in case electricity goes out. Many water systems rely on hydroelectric sources that, in turn, depend on water. I live by the ocean so I have a water desalinator/filter tucked away somewhere that I can use to remove salt from saltwater — which a distiller should be able to do as well. If you are storing canned goods somewhere, consider getting canned goods that are canned in juice or water.
My Precious Ones, preparations such as these are not acts of faithlessness, they are acts to ensure self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. Prepare for adverse circumstances and then forget about it and live a beautiful life filled with love and beauty and acts of kindness.
The Seer Almine
The Seer suggests we use the nano powersigil†and the sigil for the purification of the waters of the Earth.‡
Can a filter remove the graphene?
The Seer:
No. The sigils.
✶See: A Black Stone Shall Be Discovered By The Few
†Get the powersigil here
‡Get: Purification of the Waters of the Earth
Hazel says
I agree with the Seer about dependency on Bottled water. It means our health and well being could be in danger.
Hunt says
Can someone please tell me which sigils remove graphene oxide from water?
Hunt says
No worries, I just found the links.
Sara Roshan says
This one is considered the best off grid water distillation
Dhani says
Thank you kindly. 🙂
Alexandra Murray says
Absolutely Almine. If one can afford it, I myself have a water pitcher and filter from I’ve been using them for years.
CLARA Bo says
loved the in, fo given, especially the part reassuring us that reparing for our future is not being selfish but self sufficient. Thank you Almine, Guides and staff