A Discussion of Reality by The Seer (Part 3)
Let’s look at the value of calling life a dream (c).â€
To understand that, let’s refer back to the teachings of the steps we need to take to master the stages of our Dreamtime. One of the initial stages is lucid dreaming — to know you’re in a dream during the dream.‡ This parallels mastering life as well, and it has been the goal of centuries of advanced spiritual teachers who have reminded their students of the unreality of life around them — a step in mastering the journey of existence.
In recent years, I have referred to reality as a dream within a dream. And I’ve described that experience — the experience of dreaming that you’re asleep and dreaming — as your dream body or soul visiting one of the two levels of the spirit world during sleep, rather than the soul world (as in a normal single dream during sleep).
This description of experiencing life as a lucid dream, brings us one step closer to an even deeper understanding of what our life experience is.
Another advantage of looking at life as a dream, and applying the stages of mastering our dreamtime to life as well, lies in the dream mastery stage of choosing our dream. The student learns that if, while in a dream, they fix their gaze on a specific point within the dream, the dreamscape changes. They can keep doing this until they reach a dream they find pleasant enough to stay in. This can be yet another way in which they are exercising their own free will in the dream of life.
In part four, how to choose your reality, or your dream of life, will be more fully discussed.
The Seer Almine
†See: Ma-Su-Ter : Practitioner of the Mother’s Awareness
‡The first stage is to remember our dreams.
I am so glad that we are receiving these insights. Yes, I did experience, few times, dreaming a dream and becoming aware of some dream symbols and sometimes their meaning in the dream, which brought me to another dream. I would dream this way, yes, until the dream felt very pleasant to be in.
To look at life as a dream and applying the stages of mastering our dreamtime to life as well, feels very new to me. So, this can be yet another way in which we can exercise our own free will in the dream of life? Wow. Thank you
Thank you! Can’t wait for part 4!
Great stuff!! Thank you!