It has taken me years to finally get the Spiritual Journeys hard drives of the source files of your work, as per your request I was to be the custodian of.✶ But it has now been confiscated by Mexican customs who are threatening to destroy it. This saddens me tremendously. I wonder what the lesson is?
The Seer:
By all means, do what you can to protect the work, but if you don’t succeed, at least know you did your best. Consider the following; the tale of the Japanese Haiku poetry master Matsuo Bashō:
Breaking the silence
Of an ancient pond,
A frog jumped into water —
A deep resonance.
This poem is representative of the Haiku master’s poetic style. On the surface it is a description of the actions of a frog. However, considered more deeply, it is also a mirror that reflects the author. Bashō writes:
“Your poetry issues of its own accord when you and the object have become one — when you have plunged deep enough into the object to see something like a hidden glimmering there. However well phrased your poetry may be, if your feeling is not natural — if the object and yourself are separate — then your poetry is not true poetry but merely your subjective counterfeit.”
At the end of his life in the 17th century, it is told that Bashō destroyed all the writings of his life’s poetic musings, keeping only the poem about the frog. This indicates his profound understanding that truth cannot be captured; truth is what a master spontaneously creates through his actions.
Please put up every conceivable effort that you can to save the work, but remember: the work is a hologram — the whole is reflected in all its parts, so as long as even a little of it remains, our lightfamily will have all they need to sustain their growth.
The Seer Almine
Note from Rogier:
Thankfully, the drives were secured later in the day, after receiving this message. (Though some now malfunction, so the lesson still applies.)
✶The source files of the work 2007-2014.
We are “All its parts”😊
Gratitude and profound resonance to the wisdom of this message .Thank You Almine and Rogier from the bottom of my heart
…from the bottom of my heart
With gratitude and profound resonance to multilayered wisdom in this message .Thank You Almine and Rogier forth bottom of my heart
😅”.. some malfunction”— My my, I sense a touch of lightness and humour hereabouts.. 😄😄✌🏽.
So lovely and profound. I truly comprehended this from within as I read it very slowly. My appreciation for this offering and all of my love.
What a profound blessing this message is and also being able to retrieve the hard drives. Rogier, thank you for all you are and all you do. 💜 Joanne
Thank you so much Rogier for your valiant heart and Almine for the poem.
Truth changes in its fluid unfolding
I am so very greatful you were able to save it Rogier!
Even though a hologram it has brought Infinite blessings to all life and spiritual growth 💖
Huge task custodian of the teachings of the Infinite
Also being one with all things on such a deep level animate and inanimate…
It was a united effort. Aside from our Beloved doing her magic, Dhani was of great assistance + the Kaanish Belvaspata angelgods.
Thank you so much Rogier for being the custodian of Almine’s work. I am sure it is a monumental task. It is amazing to share this hologram with you and all of our Lightfamily. The Heart will go on. ❤️
Interestingly, several students have also kept extensive and meticulous records of every little piece we’ve ever been given that any individual had access to. I bet between everyone, we actually do have all or most of the pieces as well.
We do, but my main concern was with the high resolution source files…
I understand. Thank you so much for all that you do.
I love the discussion – so inspiring to communicate from that depth…
Thank you Rogier for your valiant efforts to gather our Beloved’s work. I feel your actions are valuable to whatever the outcome. Your inspiration and actions are what was needed – not the outcome. I am deeply comforted to know Almine’s work is a hologram – it always will be.
I’m assuming they didn’t exactly handle them carefully if some are malfunctioning now.
No, just decay.
🙂 That’s what I thought. We, those that have done this work from 2007- 2014 Embody the teachings. We still like the old recording though. 😉
We love and appreciate all you do for us Rogier, glad to hear the hard drives are save and secured. Thank you our beautiful Sear for the poem and a reminder that (truth is what a master spontaneously creates through his actions). ❤️❤️❤️
So sad. What a coincidence Rogier…….yesterday my portable storage device which held all of my life/studies with almine since 2008 just stopped working…..no access……… I had nothing…. I thought the Infinite is trying to show me that I don’t really need it. And so surrendered to it. So I took it to a repair shop and then this morning someone working at the store managed to salvage most of it and putting it onto another storage device……..what a blessing.
❤️ Im also thankful for you both