Prophecy 50
From the Seer's Private Journal
… prepare ye now for the tribulation to come by strengthening your health (by eating the plants of the Earth) and multiplying your skills. And you shall stand strong amidst the winds of change. Rely not on systems that will falter, but let self-reliance sustain you.
The Seer Almine
The Seer's prophecies are shared 'as is' — as she has recorded them in her private journal. It's up to you to decipher the meaning.
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Previous: In That Day of Reckoning
I am super confused about all of this. I cannot figure out which dimension I am living in. I have neither bought in to the malicious spread of mass fear and panic based on false pretenses, but nor am I happy. In fact I am always depressed and anxious. But not because of current world situations. I was subjected to satanic ritual abuse as a child, forced to do terrible things against my will, as terrible things were also forced upon me, resulting in me having a whole array of bacterial health issues and a giant memory block. Because of my natural born gifts I believe I was being groomed for some sort of oracle position. They gave me dissociate identity disorder and likely created alters for their own gains. Not only that but I have been a targeted individual, gang stalked by both reptilian-possessed police officers and civilians alike, and also implanted. I have dozens of intra-muscular implants throughout my entire body that pulse beneath my skin (a sign of outside activation) that are meant to cause severe cramps/muscle spasms and electroshocks. There are frequencies blasting inside my mind (as I also have neural implants) that are designed to put me into suggestive states so that they can initiate command codes for activations of alternate personalities. The black-scaled reptilians have also been attacking me for decades. I have tiny symbols tattooed on my face in brown ink that I woke up with one day and needle marks from large syringes in various places on my body. The most noticeable ones in the crook of my left arm…I am sorry to write such depressing things on your beautiful website. But I believe that I am an Original One who is somehow outside of the fold, and being constantly blasted by the darkness… I was told by an energy healer and friend of mine that my purpose for Being here now was to defeat the reptilians, and that I am some kind of extraterrestrial queen… Almine, Rogier, or anybody else who reads this (VERY) depressing post, anything would be helpful at this point in time. As I am very very lost.
I think your answer lies in Almine’s most recent post this morning “if you want something to change, withdrawal your focus from it”It appears your constant focus on all your issues is feeding your power into it, thus creating more of what you do not want. Take your power back. Come home to yourself. Hope this helps. 🤍🤍🤍
To come home to yourself Almine says focus on the little things, the details, things that make you genuinely happy and grateful–like flowers and birds. Repeat Love, Praise, Gratitude, Trust through the Eternal perspective, and Hope (Great Glad Expectations!).
The one thing I recall most often when something seems to be out of sorts and something needs corrected, eliminated, changed, or other attention of some sort, is Almine’s explanation that everything that happens or is happening is me doing it to myself. It seems we are the Source.
Dear Hunt, sorry to hear of your struggles. This is not an unheard of situation, more OO’s than you might imagine have had related experiences and I know of several who are still significantly hindered in their lives as a result. I was also given horrific memory implants of satanic ritual abuse that essentially crippled me until I was 25 (I could barely function in daily life and had massive gaps in memory that also blocked out a lot of my brain capacity), but I know for 100% certain those experiences didn’t happen in reality, they were fake memories designed to stop me from functioning (not saying this is necessarily the case for now). Where I am now in contrast is not even comparable. Impossible as it may seem, the answer does lie in all of the tools that we have from Almine – these things can be cleared. What of the tools are you working with so far?
*the case for you I meant to say there
That sounds really intense. I agree with the other OO’s here; Almine’s tools… proper focus… belvaspata maybe if you aren’t doing that already.
OO’s are godbeings. That means we are in charge of our realities. Admittedly your post reads like you’ve had a very rough ride, but it doesn’t serve you to tell you that. You could try ignoring a victim mentality, meaning to stop focussing on what happened to you before and instead set your intent on what you want it to be. Rise above it. You’re in charge, so do whatever it takes to make yourself believe that. Intent always comes to fruition.
My blessings
We empower that which we focus upon. Important for your situation.
Hunt, I too have some experience with overcoming my unwanted connection the dark energies. I have been using Almines tools for 15 years and I find them invaluable. Very important for me was getting rid of so much stuff around my being that Im able to discern and find the help I may still need. I offer you a no cost session of Kaanish Belvaspata. Greg. E-mail okuloveable@gmail.com
Strong words..
Oh yes. This is a new wind at my back now. Thank you for this messae dear Almine. Ever so grateful for giving us the heads up.
What is the difference between an archangel and an angelgod?
So I thought we we’re going to avoid a financial crash? I know she speaks of food shortages and possibly a lot of fraud and stealing from online accounts perhaps. Dear Infinite GIVE ME STRENGTH, CLARITY AND COURAGE!!!.