Prophecy 18(b)
On the 16th May 7pm (PST) the tide of disrespect will turn. And a people long despised and disrespected will rise up and say, "no more". Underestimated and regarded as frivolous, the yellow hordes will plot their downfall. But on this day their plans shall come to naught and their ill intent shall turn against them. Mourn not when their downfall comes, for the hatred in the hearts of many would poison the waters of the Earth and the minds and hearts of all mankind.
The Seer Almine
The Seer's prophecies are shared 'as is' — as she has recorded them in her private journal. It's up to you to decipher the meaning.
maria says
wow yes but how do we rid of this thing called hatred from the planet?
Barbara Kathryn says
One of the most flagrant suppression of an Asian population by China, in China, is of the Uyghurs:
– And for the past 2-3 years or so: Hong Kong.
– Taiwan would like to be completely independent also. And completely recognised as such internationally, while China pressures other countries to ignore Taiwan's legitimate claim to autonomy
– But the most longstanding, and perhaps considered as 'frivolous' by the Chinese propaganda machine, are of course the Tibetans…since the 1950's.
This would be my choice, since nothing has ever diminished the esteem with which the rest of the world holds the Dalaï Lama and Tibet in exile, thus never entirely forgetting the plight of Tibet. Which has now been colonised by an implanted selection of loyal(?) Chinese. Meaning a just uprising is a very if-y senario…'yellow hordes' of implanted colonisers is just a beginning if the real Tibetans were to try to take their country back. 'Imprinted' they are, with directive and belligerent nanotech.
Karl Lacour says
Of course you didn't want to put my comment on though thats excactly what has happened so I have a point. Everyone is guessing away and no one has got a clue🤣 so when will it be revealed what the hell it's about? Most likely you will not allow this comment either or maybe you will in Hope it will bring me in a bad light pointing out the obvious and saying things straight 😛.we will see.At least you will see it Rogier🤪
Rogier says
You don't have a point. Your comments are just complaints and contribute nothing.
Karl Lacour says
So it was the last LMAO🤣
Connie says
I think its palistinians.
Sue B says
Mmmmm…. interestingly, not EVERYTHING is centred around the USA?? "a people long despised and disrespected" ….. "underestimated and regarded as frivolous"… this does not describe any group of US citizens to me??… just saying…
Wendy G. says
I agree fully! "A people long despised and disrespected," also a people that are uncontrollable!
Sue B says
indeed – my feeling is it will most likely apply to one of the many Sth African? Sth American? Pacific? peoples that China has been engaging with "cash splash diplomacy" or even another Asian country – I do not feel they look at Americans as frivolous??? etc
Dhani says
Yikes. Good news for the African Americans….my guess. China is reaping what it intended to sow.
Lynette Ruest says
Wow! Cant wait to see how this plays out!
Alex Murray says
Hmmm…This is a tricky one to figure out…China's downfall?
Alex says
China was planning another attack on America but it won't come to fruition. These groups in China will be the cause of their own demise. That's what I got from this prophecy.