The Seer found an ancestral spirit in her home that came with a warning. Unless certain attitude changes were to occur, her daughter would be exposed to Covid. He explained that the situation represents that which is underestimated.
Some possible things that we underestimate:
- We underestimate the loss of personal power that happens when we don't speak up when something is not okay.
- We underestimate the memory held in the cells of our body when we treat the body disrespectfully or allow others to treat it disrespectfully.
- We underestimate the ability of others to harm and undermine us, and we overestimate the ability of others to love us. (We do this because we think others are like us, because we could never deliberately harm others and because we feel love deeply.)
It is not 'unenlightened' to critically assess others we are in relationships with and place ourselves out of harm's way.
Love with all of your highly evolved ability, but do not depend on the approval or love of others. A spiritual master is self-referring for approval. Self-love has always been the greatest support one could hope for and the most reliable source of approval to be found. Self-love begins with self-knowledge, born of the joy of solitude and self-aware attention to what inspires us.
The Seer
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Kelshall Burke says
This was truly a gem
Ciara Young says
All of this has been one of my biggest lessons of the last few years, and indeed these things are vastly underestimated. I had lost some personal power and was shocked to turn around and find it gone, and then even ore shocked to realise that I hadn't realised how it was being siphoned away so fast through these seemingly insignificant things. Then have had to battle the grief of that, and come to peace through the eternal perspective and that ultimately in the endless life of a Master, it was very important to learn this lesson for the future.
Brett says
There are witches that co-video us in the screens. It was like typical native american picture warning. Us not taking videos and photos too seriously and accepting the real us is the key. Choose your attitudes of self wisely. Be loving. There was a canniving female in the matrix. She hates us and loves impersonating our soul. Technology gives her solutions. Solves of her artificiality. The Goddess wrapped it up that way. One Witch Outsider then done away with. Sent Elsewhere. Not Infinite Enough. Didn't redefine space and say open vulnerability. There were swirls of energy. They would suck people into the televisions and computers was the slower version. Why there was The Grinder, the Mayan Calendar. Realizing our peace has been invaded and ending Her Pose. Book of Daily Mantras goes Old People. Peace Of True. POT.
Dhani says
OMG … that's what I've been feeling. Always so great to get this informtion in writing for a better understanding. Thank you dear Almine!!
Stepheny Dawn says
Thank you! Very timely as I courageously leave an environment that I've been in for 16 years… & have lingered in the recent years for the sake of our dear son.
This was precisely the support I needed in this moment.
Sincerely 💪🏻😭♥️
Denise O'Regan says
Thank you Beloved Almine and Rogier for this important message. I have been working with the 144 self wheels …four each day or so. Today's wheels are 97..100. Wheel of self wisdom, self assessment, simplicity of choices and freedom from Nostalgia of the past. I will explore Almines message and incorporate the wheels more deeply.
Infinite blessings Beloved Almine and Beautiful Jaylene.
christel says
why am I still not getting this in my email??? I miss many..
Rogier says
What email? The only emails ever sent are sent manually, at most once a month.
Marlo says
I used to get an email notifying me with every new post. It stopped about a month ago. Now I have to manually go to the oo site.
Rogier says
Thanks for clarifying. Those messages were generated when I was sharing the posts via But we've stopped using that platform.
stacey says
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this message – it requires lots of thought and introspection.
Ekaterina Kapotova says
Point 3 is very appropriate for me. Has always been… The second is point 2.Thank you, Almine!
Bas Waaijer says
But what is the ability of others to undermine us and harm us, besides that which we allow? I'm honestly curious what answer Almine would give. I realize it is an intricate matter.
Diana Doyle says
This is so timely for me. Thank you🙏🏼🎶
Amanda Zen Klein says
I have always spoken up for myself and not accepted harm even if I stand alone. And I do stand alone now.
Alex M says
Ah I am working on the self love thing as we speak. And all the things that go along with that.