‘Apara’ means operator and ‘tura’ means door. The word ‘aperture’ comes from her name. The name ‘Dorothea’, that has survived in some of our languages, means: the door goddess. Apara-tura is the operator of doors, who opens and closes the cycles of life. Her symbol is comprised of two ancient ones:
- The brackets are found as the symbol on the ancient Norse rune that stands for opening; also used by the Druids and other ancient European cultures;
- The counterclockwise spiral can be found on the petroglyphs of many North American Tribes. It represents the closing of a cycle. Her symbol therefore means the opening and closing of cycles. She is the goddess of birth and death and provides a perfect example of how the gods and goddesses work together. Her counterpart Ka-pa-el, determines when the energy contained within an individual, nation or race has reached a critical high or low point that necessitates change. It is then that the goddess creates the ideal conditions for birth into a higher state of being (transfiguration) or the recycling of the atomic elements of the form (death). She is the singer of the death song. She creates the frequency that will call the soul into the spirit world in the following ways:
- The body loses energy when it has fruitless experiences that do not give insight;
- The body’s frequency becomes lowered and can no longer house the higher frequency of the soul with ease. Illness (disease) occurs;
- The body’s frequency eventually becomes so inhospitable that the beings functioning under the order of the god Ka-pa-el determine that a more harmonious place must be found for the soul to dwell (the soul cries out for this);
- The goddess Apara-tura creates a strong corresponding frequency within the spirit world to attract the soul out of the body; the true meaning of the concept of the death song;
- The soul leaves, cracking the luminous cocoon which then folds upon itself, resembling an embryo. Life force spills out and the body dies. Trauma, such as a mortal accident, can crack the cocoon and then the soul leaves, reversing the order. In celebrating the cycles of existence and rites of passage, Apara-tura creates history. Ama-terra-su records and tells history, but by creating the high points and low points along the journey of life, Apara-tura helps to create it. The reason the family of man does not feel united is that their common history has been forgotten. There is only national history to draw from which creates nationalism and fragments the unity of man. This goddess contributes to our sense of belonging by providing common experiences and history.
From: Journey to the Heart of God
Apara-tura and the Death Song
As we have seen, with frequency and light the same poles attract (with matter and energy opposites attract).†It is this principle that Apara-tura uses in opening and closing doors of opportunity and experience, as well as bringing to a close the mortal life of an individual and ushering it into the spirit realms. In fact, the tunnel often seen at death, with the light at the further end of it, was known in ancient cultures as Apara-tura’s door.
The Gates of Transfiguration
Between one level of existence and another — like life or death, or one phase of growth and the next — there is an unseen doorway that keeps the unworthy from progressing through it. It is a membrane separating the frequency of one level from that of another.
In the always-changing cycles of life, transformation, which sheds all that no longer serves, yields to transmutation, which turns challenge into perception. Transmutation in turn becomes transfiguration, because any being can hold only so much light before it must transfigure to the next phase of its evolution. To do that, one must pass through Apara-tura’s gates.
If the frequency rises to meet that which lies on the other side of the membrane, the attraction between the two opens the door. For example, at the end of the phase of transmutation when increased light and frequency result from turning challenge to perception, the door opens and a new cycle begins.
From: Secrets of the Hidden Realms
†Update: Matter Has Begun to Behave Like Light
Death Doula: A death midwife, or death doula, is a person who assists in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula does with the birthing process. It is often a community based role, aiming to help families cope with death through recognizing it as a natural and important part of life.