The spring equinox has a wonderful and powerful program. You could just repeat it for the Summer Solstice if you wish! Ω
The Seer Almine
Joanne of the White Rose in Ireland is organizing a day of ceremony for the upcoming equinox (Saturday, March 20, 2021). If you wish to participate and receive the Zoom link, please let her know at The room link will also be shared to FaceBook, and pinned to the Down the Rabbit Hole Telegram on Friday.
This ceremony day features an exponential, timeless schedule, including the following protocols and modalities: Explosions of Light, Insights into the Eternal Dance from the Scrolls of Hanasat (Aranash Suba Yoga), Braamish, Kaanish and/or Song of the Self Belvaspata, Fairy Magic from Book of Spells and Arubafirina, the Embracing Limitlessness ceremony (re-release coming soon), and The Sacred Movements of Sabahut. If you're a member of Explorers, you can find additional details here.
In addition, The Seer is receiving a powersigil for the metaphysical function of the spring equinox. It will be available on our store shortly.
The sigil for the equinox is to strengthen the expression of individual Inner Space. By proxy this will restore balance and integrity in the magical realms.
The Seer Almine
ΩBoth the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice represent pivotal moments in the transformation of 'The Minds of Man'.
Sara Roshan says
Beautiful Joanna of the white rose 🙂 wow… I was waiting for this day for a while. A day that fight for light has won and white rose (love) embodiment walk on the sacred stones they held to open the tunnel that is close. White magic and the gift of magic, magical mind is here 🙂 Love you Joanna and thank you Rogier for white rose announcement. I love it.
Maybe we should focus and embody the qualities of white rose. Possibly it would help Joanna of the white rose to open the tunnel. I love the music and the dance of life. it plays well organized …
Mieke says
Is the Ceremony on Saturday just for Belvaspata practioners?
Alex says
Could one call this a "night of lights" of sorts?
Nath says
Wow, these two events are going to be so magical. I'm so looking forward to participate in both ✨🖤 Thank you so much!
Dhani says
Joanne Harding says
Oh this is wonderful. Thank you for this Rogier and Almine. I was talking to you today Almine and asking you if we could have some kind of prayer or blessing for the day and you must have heard me. Thank you so much 🌹
Alexandra says
Okie doke, so it's BOTH. Thank you Rogier!!!
Alexandra says
Oh exciting times are ahead!